Right, that's it, I shouldn't be allowed out in public again, at least not when drunk. It's not like I started a fight, or got 'overly friendly' with someone, or even shouted abuse at friends. I just get fucking tedious and whiny about women, and, more specifically, why I don't have one.
As you can probably tell, I didn't have a great time last night. I did at parts and it was mainly due to this lady
She is the one from last autumns blog, the most beautiful lady I have ever snogged. Last night was her birthday party, we had fun, we danced together, a lot. That is all. I spent all the time I wasn't with her, whining at my good friends about how I don't have a girl, how there were lots of ladies there but non of them were interested (how did I know that? Did I got round and ask them? Did I fuck, I just sat there being drunk and complained). This girl, the one in the pic, is lovely, absolutely great, but according to friends, I stand no chance as she is still in love with her ex. So, as there is no real hope, she's the only girl I fancy. Typical.
I'm just sooo fed up with myself for sort of ruining for myself, what should have been a really fun evening. It may well be the booze guilt that's making me feel like this, and as that wears off, I'll realise what a good time I had, but I'm not sure. I'm also worried that my friends are getting bored of these kind of displays from his Monkeyness.
So, ladies and gentleman, this is why I feel I should not be allowed out. Not that I'm some sort of menace to society, but because I'm fucking BORING!!
Right, I'm off to watch some tv in bed, my nice big bed, that's very empty. And will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Arse.
I will try and write something more positive soon, promise.
As you can probably tell, I didn't have a great time last night. I did at parts and it was mainly due to this lady

She is the one from last autumns blog, the most beautiful lady I have ever snogged. Last night was her birthday party, we had fun, we danced together, a lot. That is all. I spent all the time I wasn't with her, whining at my good friends about how I don't have a girl, how there were lots of ladies there but non of them were interested (how did I know that? Did I got round and ask them? Did I fuck, I just sat there being drunk and complained). This girl, the one in the pic, is lovely, absolutely great, but according to friends, I stand no chance as she is still in love with her ex. So, as there is no real hope, she's the only girl I fancy. Typical.
I'm just sooo fed up with myself for sort of ruining for myself, what should have been a really fun evening. It may well be the booze guilt that's making me feel like this, and as that wears off, I'll realise what a good time I had, but I'm not sure. I'm also worried that my friends are getting bored of these kind of displays from his Monkeyness.
So, ladies and gentleman, this is why I feel I should not be allowed out. Not that I'm some sort of menace to society, but because I'm fucking BORING!!
Right, I'm off to watch some tv in bed, my nice big bed, that's very empty. And will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Arse.
I will try and write something more positive soon, promise.
I am Happy, i'm just trapped in a stressed persons body.
Resently a few things have happened that have stressed me out or upset me. Normally i'm quite resilient, just get on with it, sort it out, But these have been quite long lasting and have started to mount up into a pile i don't like the look of. Once i've moved (stuff is going this weekend, i follow a week later) things should start to settle. Next is a new job, then selling everthing i own on Ebay. By the time i've done all that it should be time to head to london. (fingers crossed so hard it hurts!) If that doesn't happen... well, we'll cross that bridge...
U never seem whingey on the SG nights out, this might be due to the fact u can't get a word in edge-ways... and we're all great!
And yeah.... at least u didn't randomly shout and insult ur friends......
Big hug, feel better.