Well then, imagine if you will a man called Larry. Larry has had a good, sorry, great week at work, he's done a fair bit of exercise, he's confronted a money problem that's been bothering him and it looks like getting sorted, and it's friday. Just imagine how happy Larry is. It is in this context that I would say, currently, I'm as happy as Larry
From a rather inauspicious start to the week, it seems to have been a bit of a slow burner, and, as I sit here, with an hour of work to go, it's struck me that this has been a rather lovely week.
I'm looking forward to going home and spending the night in front of the tv, maybe wine will be involved. Oh, who am I kidding, of course wine will be involved. Maybe some smallville, maybe some serenity, maybe some computer games, but it's going to be in my new(ish) room, basically, what was my old room, that I've moved back into. I like it there, I feel all comfortable. There's more space, it's warmer and has a massive wardrobe type thing so I can put all my shit away.
I have even been suffering the occasional attack of the tingly happiness. This is when I get an almost physical rush of happy feelings, such that in public I end up grinning foolishly, and if in private giggle furiously. I've missed this feeling. It's one of the most beautiful things, and afterwards there's a feeling of intense calm (if such a thing is possible, is it possible to be intensely calm?)
I've been enjoying my time on this site a lot recently. There's been a good influx of new people, I'm chatting quite a bit with more established members, and generally liking it a lot. So, thanks to all who take the time to write to me and leave comments and the such like, I blame you all for helping me to achieve this content state
I think my life will be near complete if I can get these though
I reckon I could get all the ladies if I had these bad boys
Anyway, hope you're all as good as can be,
Dan x

From a rather inauspicious start to the week, it seems to have been a bit of a slow burner, and, as I sit here, with an hour of work to go, it's struck me that this has been a rather lovely week.
I'm looking forward to going home and spending the night in front of the tv, maybe wine will be involved. Oh, who am I kidding, of course wine will be involved. Maybe some smallville, maybe some serenity, maybe some computer games, but it's going to be in my new(ish) room, basically, what was my old room, that I've moved back into. I like it there, I feel all comfortable. There's more space, it's warmer and has a massive wardrobe type thing so I can put all my shit away.
I have even been suffering the occasional attack of the tingly happiness. This is when I get an almost physical rush of happy feelings, such that in public I end up grinning foolishly, and if in private giggle furiously. I've missed this feeling. It's one of the most beautiful things, and afterwards there's a feeling of intense calm (if such a thing is possible, is it possible to be intensely calm?)
I've been enjoying my time on this site a lot recently. There's been a good influx of new people, I'm chatting quite a bit with more established members, and generally liking it a lot. So, thanks to all who take the time to write to me and leave comments and the such like, I blame you all for helping me to achieve this content state

I think my life will be near complete if I can get these though

I reckon I could get all the ladies if I had these bad boys

Anyway, hope you're all as good as can be,
Dan x
U were probably the drunkest i've seen u. possibly drunker than me!!!! haha!
I will be happy when ive written this essay. so after these words i will be back on the grind. rock!!