
Nice bruises from kickboxing yesterday. I was hitting the pads a lot with my elbow, and also held a kick pad incorrectly and my mate gave me a full on kick to the elbow, wasn't his fault though.
So, I'm loving the kick boxing, it's fucking awesome and very much on the brutal side. Learning jabs, hooks, body shots, upper cuts and elbows to the head

Really hard work, but great fun, wrists are a little sore today though.
Gym is still going strong as well, and I'm doing well on the non drinking during the week thing. Do feel I'm not doing much else though. Still, think I'm about to enter a rather mental couple of months with lots of meets and parties to go to, plus my friend from Canada is visiting, so it's good that I'm saving myself for that.
How are you guys doing? Anything fun happened, or anything you're looking forward to in the near future?
Hope y'all is good,
D x
Oh and cool bruises btw.
'lucky' gentleman will be taking me to Brighton for a couple of days - and a day of the tattoo convention too...if he's lucky