Meh, 2 days till christmas. Not overly excited by the whole thing. Mind you, my dad has a free 3 day pass to the local, very flash gym, so I'll get to workout with out having to go into town, they even have a swimming pool.
Sort of heard back from the lovely sweddish girl, says a london trip may be conceivable, but she doesn't seem to check her messages very often, so I'll wait to see what happens. I'm not holding my breath though, after all the initial excitement, I'm sudden quite down about the whole thing.
Anyway, saw War of the Worlds last night, the live Jeff Waynes musical thing at the 02 arena, bloody amazing. Absolutely fantastic. The graphics on the big display at the back were a bit of a joke, but once you'd got used to it, didn't make a big difference. The music is soooo fantastic, my dad played it to me when I was young, scared the shit out of me for years, get big goosebumps when I listen to it now.
Apparently I have tickets for something on the 28th of dec for a x-mas pressie from my folks, no idea what yet though. I'm sure it'll be good. Means I don't get to go to Jackie's rollerderby thing, which is a shame, but a whole bunch of my cousins are coming along, so it should be fun.
Should really put down a list of good stuff that's happened this year, seems to be the fashion, and it may help brighten up my general mood. So, here goes:
Work: Well, couldn't really be much better. My Imdb thing is looking pretty damn healthy, and it looks like next year is only going to get better. I didn't even embarass myself too much at the x-mas party, apparently just got 'huggy'
Moved home, from my lovely flat in camden with my best mate, to back home with the folks. Not great, but it's for money reasons, and I've managed to pay back about 6 grand since I've moved back. If I keep on like this, I'll be debt free within a year, which is hugely positive, so that's what I've got to focus on. I get on with the parents well, doesn't take too long to get into work and the house is lovely, so could be a lot worse.
Been keeping up with the gym thing, probably put on about a stone (now constantly just over 14stone), which is great. Lost the belly, getting better with the muscles. I may try and set myself more gym related tasks next year. The idea of a half iron man triathalon is somewhat appealing
Also, kickboxing, which I'm starting to give a go on the 8th of jan.
Having not had many holidays at all for years, I've managed 3 this year, 1 trip to canada, and 2 to Italy. I quite like this 'going away' thing, it's really quite relaxing and exciting. Hoping for a snowboarding trip, then something else next year. I'd love to go to Vegas, or Japan. Or sweden
Oh yeah, and I turned 30. Which I think is good.
Well, that about sums it up, been a fairly good year. Still sort of feel like I'm treading water, waiting for something to happen, but in not too bad a fashion. This may well be the first year in a long, long time, well, since I started dating, where I haven't had any sort of realtionship to mention.
Anyway, that's all. I think I need to play some Guitar Hero.
Hope you all have a fantastic christmas and new years,
Sort of heard back from the lovely sweddish girl, says a london trip may be conceivable, but she doesn't seem to check her messages very often, so I'll wait to see what happens. I'm not holding my breath though, after all the initial excitement, I'm sudden quite down about the whole thing.
Anyway, saw War of the Worlds last night, the live Jeff Waynes musical thing at the 02 arena, bloody amazing. Absolutely fantastic. The graphics on the big display at the back were a bit of a joke, but once you'd got used to it, didn't make a big difference. The music is soooo fantastic, my dad played it to me when I was young, scared the shit out of me for years, get big goosebumps when I listen to it now.
Apparently I have tickets for something on the 28th of dec for a x-mas pressie from my folks, no idea what yet though. I'm sure it'll be good. Means I don't get to go to Jackie's rollerderby thing, which is a shame, but a whole bunch of my cousins are coming along, so it should be fun.
Should really put down a list of good stuff that's happened this year, seems to be the fashion, and it may help brighten up my general mood. So, here goes:
Work: Well, couldn't really be much better. My Imdb thing is looking pretty damn healthy, and it looks like next year is only going to get better. I didn't even embarass myself too much at the x-mas party, apparently just got 'huggy'
Moved home, from my lovely flat in camden with my best mate, to back home with the folks. Not great, but it's for money reasons, and I've managed to pay back about 6 grand since I've moved back. If I keep on like this, I'll be debt free within a year, which is hugely positive, so that's what I've got to focus on. I get on with the parents well, doesn't take too long to get into work and the house is lovely, so could be a lot worse.
Been keeping up with the gym thing, probably put on about a stone (now constantly just over 14stone), which is great. Lost the belly, getting better with the muscles. I may try and set myself more gym related tasks next year. The idea of a half iron man triathalon is somewhat appealing

Having not had many holidays at all for years, I've managed 3 this year, 1 trip to canada, and 2 to Italy. I quite like this 'going away' thing, it's really quite relaxing and exciting. Hoping for a snowboarding trip, then something else next year. I'd love to go to Vegas, or Japan. Or sweden

Oh yeah, and I turned 30. Which I think is good.
Well, that about sums it up, been a fairly good year. Still sort of feel like I'm treading water, waiting for something to happen, but in not too bad a fashion. This may well be the first year in a long, long time, well, since I started dating, where I haven't had any sort of realtionship to mention.
Anyway, that's all. I think I need to play some Guitar Hero.
Hope you all have a fantastic christmas and new years,

2D is definitely what I'm aiming for (3D is fucking hard)--hopefully some form of compositing eventually. I'll start learning Shake then. It seems really inaccessible at the moment but I'll get a book and start working on it
I love using After Effects and my new workplace is pretty much exclusively AE for post I think so by the time I'm ready to move on I'll hopefully have some skills in each.

Well i went for drink with my department after work on friday, this girl has been flirting with me for ages even though she has a bf and is rather damn cute. I ended up outside the pub with her while people were inside and we ended up kissing, it was all good but you know her bf is a fucking huge monster , so i could end up getting an arse kicking soon