Right, so, Venice is a bit special.
One of the most amazing cities I've ever been too (not that I'm as well travelled as I'd like), but blow me down if it isn't one of the oddest and most gorgeous places. Walk out of the train station, straight out onto the main canal. No roads in the place, all tiny little alley ways, wide open piazzas or water ways.
Had lots of sleep, did lots of Suduko, ate well, walked lots and didn't kill my mum. Which is good going, as, much as I love her, she really knows how to piss me off. Even went on a gondola, but not around the touristy bit.
Apparently there's only 60,000 people who live in Venice, but they get 20 million tourists a year. Blimey.
Sun shone, lots of beatiful blue sky and fresh, rather than cold........just perfect. Once there's a Mrs Firemonkey around, and I've got the cash......well, I think a return trip will be in order.
So, back at work today, my shot that I'd been working on for 3 months had been finalled by the director when I was away, which was good, but I'm still making a few little changes as we think it could look a little better.
Guitar Hero 3 is still dominating my 360 playing at the moment, which is no bad thing, but I'm thinking I need a proper hobby. The gym thing is good, but that's in the mornings and it's not really a topic you can have a big conversation about. My work is really interesting at first, but soon gets far too esoteric when I talk about it in depth, I'm not really up to date, or interested in Politics, so............
Might take up Salsa dancing, that would be fun, and a good way to meet people, especially people of the opposite sex
There was a recent, potential Mrs Firemonkey, but we both decided that since we'd been there before, it might all get a little too heavy. Still, not all bad, might be going for a drink with a good looking american lass soon, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Well, that's enough waffling. If any of you have got this far, you'll be happy to know that I'm actually very calm, peaceful and happy right now.
I hope you all are too,
D x
One of the most amazing cities I've ever been too (not that I'm as well travelled as I'd like), but blow me down if it isn't one of the oddest and most gorgeous places. Walk out of the train station, straight out onto the main canal. No roads in the place, all tiny little alley ways, wide open piazzas or water ways.
Had lots of sleep, did lots of Suduko, ate well, walked lots and didn't kill my mum. Which is good going, as, much as I love her, she really knows how to piss me off. Even went on a gondola, but not around the touristy bit.
Apparently there's only 60,000 people who live in Venice, but they get 20 million tourists a year. Blimey.
Sun shone, lots of beatiful blue sky and fresh, rather than cold........just perfect. Once there's a Mrs Firemonkey around, and I've got the cash......well, I think a return trip will be in order.
So, back at work today, my shot that I'd been working on for 3 months had been finalled by the director when I was away, which was good, but I'm still making a few little changes as we think it could look a little better.
Guitar Hero 3 is still dominating my 360 playing at the moment, which is no bad thing, but I'm thinking I need a proper hobby. The gym thing is good, but that's in the mornings and it's not really a topic you can have a big conversation about. My work is really interesting at first, but soon gets far too esoteric when I talk about it in depth, I'm not really up to date, or interested in Politics, so............
Might take up Salsa dancing, that would be fun, and a good way to meet people, especially people of the opposite sex

There was a recent, potential Mrs Firemonkey, but we both decided that since we'd been there before, it might all get a little too heavy. Still, not all bad, might be going for a drink with a good looking american lass soon, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Well, that's enough waffling. If any of you have got this far, you'll be happy to know that I'm actually very calm, peaceful and happy right now.
I hope you all are too,
D x
how r u ne ways??? xxx
and NOT ANOTHER COLD!! go to the gym lots and take ur vitamins mr. u'll get better in no time!
uhm and as for london, i really doubt it... i'm sooooo poor atm! gna b in london to see paramore in feb though yay! but thats the next time im in london, as far as i no! have you got ne thing planned for xmas? xxx