So, one day away from the big 3-0, time of a bit of lengthy intraspection? Nah, it's only a birthday.
And, to start the gifts off, Pinklet got me a ticket for the tattoo convention, which was lovely of her. Great to meet a bunch of new people, and catch up with others. Apologies to Jackie for the enthusiastic greeting, much beer had been drunk by then. Also, thanks to Conroy, my manly *cough, cough* chest is now on the web. Ah, and dirty chicken............good day that.
Oh, and I've learnt that I seem to cause problems, so I'm going to stay away from woman folk for a bit, seems only fair and I think I'll probably be doing everyone a favour. That's not meant in a 'oh, have sympathy on poor little me' way at all. Far from it. And it gives me more time to sit in and play all the Halo 3 I can handle
Anyway, on the topic of lovely gifts, on requesting a review at work, rather than just excepting their contract extension, I was told I'd improved greatly in the past 6 months, so I've been promoted to a compositor (still junior) and been given a totally unexpected 4 grand pay rise! Woo! So, on the cusp of turning old, I've finally broken through to my job title/position that I've been working towards for years, not a bad start to my next decade.
Thanks to Mark Plus Beer for not only introducing me to Five Finger Death Punch, great music to work out to, but now can't stop listening to Enter Shakiri either. Damn you Mark!!!! When's your move by the way?
So, I'm getting old, I'm aching from going back to the gym after my holiday, it's getting old cold and rainy, but I'm dead happy so all is good in the world of Dan. Now, if Lewis can just win the title at the last gasp...........
Love to all,
And, to start the gifts off, Pinklet got me a ticket for the tattoo convention, which was lovely of her. Great to meet a bunch of new people, and catch up with others. Apologies to Jackie for the enthusiastic greeting, much beer had been drunk by then. Also, thanks to Conroy, my manly *cough, cough* chest is now on the web. Ah, and dirty chicken............good day that.
Oh, and I've learnt that I seem to cause problems, so I'm going to stay away from woman folk for a bit, seems only fair and I think I'll probably be doing everyone a favour. That's not meant in a 'oh, have sympathy on poor little me' way at all. Far from it. And it gives me more time to sit in and play all the Halo 3 I can handle

Anyway, on the topic of lovely gifts, on requesting a review at work, rather than just excepting their contract extension, I was told I'd improved greatly in the past 6 months, so I've been promoted to a compositor (still junior) and been given a totally unexpected 4 grand pay rise! Woo! So, on the cusp of turning old, I've finally broken through to my job title/position that I've been working towards for years, not a bad start to my next decade.
Thanks to Mark Plus Beer for not only introducing me to Five Finger Death Punch, great music to work out to, but now can't stop listening to Enter Shakiri either. Damn you Mark!!!! When's your move by the way?
So, I'm getting old, I'm aching from going back to the gym after my holiday, it's getting old cold and rainy, but I'm dead happy so all is good in the world of Dan. Now, if Lewis can just win the title at the last gasp...........
Love to all,
Yeah, friday, i'll be coming to london reguardless, My sister engagement party is on the saturday, so as long as i get to Ely by saturday afternoon i'm good.
I'm ok with going for a few drinks, or a few more, would stay in london if that were the case. let me know!?
I'm guessing that as u may be working this weekend, that means ur Wales thing is the following weekend, so u won't be visiting us in bristol... not to worry, if u need to stop off for refreshments on the way there or way back, let me know!