Well, it's thursday, and I'm sat here waiting for some more shots. Could be worse. Holiday in two weeks, can't wait. It all seems a little unreal to be honest, I haven't had a properly holiday away for about 6 years. Oooooh, I get to go on a plane and everything!
Bank holiday coming up as well, 3 days off to sit and chillax (an intresting combo of chilling and relaxing, mighty fine if you can get it right
). Well, 2 days, and one furiously hungover saturday. The sofa will be my friend, as will a large bottle of water and several painkillers.
Last few blogs have been dealing with feelings, and may have painted a picture of me I'm not sure is entirely accurate. I've been using this as a kind of cheap therapy, just putting all my problems out there, and receiving very welcome advice and support. I'm not normally like this, being down I mean, and dwelling on the bad rather than good, so I'm hoping for a permanent upturn in spirits, which I'm sure is going to happen any day now, if it hasn't already. It's been rather cathartic, putting my thoughts down, and I appreciate all the comments. But I think I may have been taking things a little to seriously. I'm going to try and lighten up.
So, there it is, my new(ish) manifesto for blogging.
Woooooo, free booze friday coming up, Potter wrap party! The weekend looks hot, spiderman 3 is out, and my frisbee skills are improving
And I leave you with this weeks, Name that film : "What's the matter Danny? Never taken a shortcut before? "
Peas, and I'm out
stay happy,

Bank holiday coming up as well, 3 days off to sit and chillax (an intresting combo of chilling and relaxing, mighty fine if you can get it right

Last few blogs have been dealing with feelings, and may have painted a picture of me I'm not sure is entirely accurate. I've been using this as a kind of cheap therapy, just putting all my problems out there, and receiving very welcome advice and support. I'm not normally like this, being down I mean, and dwelling on the bad rather than good, so I'm hoping for a permanent upturn in spirits, which I'm sure is going to happen any day now, if it hasn't already. It's been rather cathartic, putting my thoughts down, and I appreciate all the comments. But I think I may have been taking things a little to seriously. I'm going to try and lighten up.
So, there it is, my new(ish) manifesto for blogging.
Woooooo, free booze friday coming up, Potter wrap party! The weekend looks hot, spiderman 3 is out, and my frisbee skills are improving

And I leave you with this weeks, Name that film : "What's the matter Danny? Never taken a shortcut before? "
Peas, and I'm out
stay happy,

Yeah, I'm kind of 2 and a half D rather than just 2D. It's all done in after effects. Uh, and photoshop and illustrator. But yeah, I'm pretty much just starting out with it, having only done two projects previous to this one. But the software is so friendly to work with, that the ideas just keep flowing.
So, will I have seen your work? Or can you point me to it online?
I don't have any slippers, I'll jsut ahve to get all my big jumpers back out
Spider man 3 is supposed to be a real girly film from what I've heard. I've had many days spent o nthe sofa with the water bottle duvet and painkillers watching stuff and being cuddled up to another hungover person.