Buying a house may very well kill me. End of July I found a nice house real close to work, check out a couple of other then finally put an offer in on this one. Well after 2 months of dicking around because of the sellers bank I was finally able to get a home inspection done. Shit Is Fucked!
Basement walls are bowed in beyond acceptable levels, there are roots growing up through the drain tiles and sewer line. Not to mention the security system was removed and gas and water was shut off so they couldn;t inspect the plumbing and furnace. GRRRRRRRR
So $315 today for an inspection, 1 day after mailing out an $800 check for earnst money which will probably take weeks to get back. So now I am back at square 1 looking for another house so I can start this whole bullshit adventure over again.
IN the past couple months I've gained 15 Lbs from all the stress eating
Buying a house may very well kill me. End of July I found a nice house real close to work, check out a couple of other then finally put an offer in on this one. Well after 2 months of dicking around because of the sellers bank I was finally able to get a home inspection done. Shit Is Fucked!
Basement walls are bowed in beyond acceptable levels, there are roots growing up through the drain tiles and sewer line. Not to mention the security system was removed and gas and water was shut off so they couldn;t inspect the plumbing and furnace. GRRRRRRRR
So $315 today for an inspection, 1 day after mailing out an $800 check for earnst money which will probably take weeks to get back. So now I am back at square 1 looking for another house so I can start this whole bullshit adventure over again.
IN the past couple months I've gained 15 Lbs from all the stress eating
UGH. good luck
being an adult is over rated