Got a kind of special dive into today. When I started diving the one wreck I was really excited to go visit was the Schooner Northerner, a fairly well preserved boat mostly intact sitting upright on the bottom. About a year ago I finally go the chance to dive on the wreck. Unfortunately after the decent to 120' I had equipment issues and was forced to surface right away with only a glimpse of the boat I had been waiting to see. Well, today the stars all realigned and I was able to return to this site. Everything went great, and used all of my available bottom time, about 8 minutes. She is a beauty and I cannot wait to go back again.
What I could salvage off the camera from today's dive. Really should have brought a light along
What I could salvage off the camera from today's dive. Really should have brought a light along
I swear, it goes something like this (Minus the guy's good punctuation. I'm putting that in myself.):
Dude's Message- "Hello, gorgeous. How are you?"
Mine- "I'm doing well. How 'bout yourself?"
His- *image of his dick* (and not even a very good dick at that)
It's crazy!