**Love has no obligations. Love has no resistance. Whatever we do is because we WANT to do it. It becomes a pleasure, it's like a game and we have fun with it.
**Love has no expectations. When we love, we don't have expectations. We do it because we want to, and if other people do it, it's because they want to.
**Love is based on respect. Love respects. "I love you" "I know you can do this" "I know you can make it" "I know you are strong" "I know you are intelligent" "I know you are a good person" "You can make it" "You can do it" "And, if you fall I will give you my hand and I will help you stand up" These are all words of compassion and compassion comes from respect and from love.
**Love is completely responsible. Everything we think, everything we do, has a consequence. If we make a choice, we have an outcome or a reaction. We are going to experience the consequence of our actions in one way or another. Every person is completely responsible for their actions, even if he dosen't want to be, or chooses not to be.
**Love is always kind. If you are in the track of love, you have no obligations and no expectations. You are feeling good about yourself. You are feeling good about the person you love. Because you are happy, you are kind. Love is always kind and kindess means generosity and opening all doors. Love is generous. Fear is selfish; it is only about me. Selfishness closes all doors. Shutting out the rest of the world because we feel overwhelmed is selfish.
**Love is unconditional. In the track of love, there is no IF; there are no conditions. I love you for no reason, with no justification. I love you the way you are, and you are free to be who you are. You are free to express yourself and to open up to me, and I will love you unconditionally. I will take your expressions as part of you, and if I love you, I will not become defensive. I will understand that your expressions are part of you, and I love you. IF WE ARE GOING TO CHANGE IT IS BECAUSE WE WANT TO CHANGE, BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT TO SUFFER ANY LONGER.
**Love is justice. In the track of love, there is justice. If you make a mistake, you pay once for that mistake and if you truly love yourself and you learn from that mistake it won't happen again. In justice, you must take note of your actions that are causing fear in your partner, own your mistake and do not let it happen again.
**In the track of love, you are always giving more than taking. You love yourself so much that you don't allow selfish people to take advantage of you, to ignore you, to belittle you, to disrespect you, to scold you. You must be clear in your communication. You can say to your partner, "I don't like it when you take advantage of me, I don't like it when you ignore me, I don't like it when you belittle me, I don't like it when you lie to me to protect yourself, I don't like it when you get defensive, when you disrespect me, when you are unkind to me. I don't need someone to abuse me emotionally. It's not that I'm better than you; it's because I love to laugh; I love to have fun; I love to love. It's not that I'm selfish in wanting you to love me. It dosen't mean that I don't love you, I just don't need a big victim near me and I cannot take responsibility for your unhappiness in your life." Selfishness, lies and fear will break almost any relationship. Generosity, honesty and love will create the most beautiful relationship; an ongoing relationship that will last.
**To master a relationship is all about you. The first step is to become aware, to know that everyone dreams his own dream. Once you know this you can be responsible for your half of your relationship, which is you. If you know that you are responsible for half of the relationship, then you can control your half and make sure your half is the best it can possibly be. We know that our partner is responsible for their half of the relationship. If they are doing their half, and there is problems, you must look to your half to fix the problems. If we respect the other half of our relationship, there is always going to be peace in that relationship. There will be no war. You must be able to communicate to your parnter and know that you will not be judged for your feelings. The quality of your communication depends on the choices you make in each moment, whether you tune your emotional body to love or to fear. If you catch yourself in the track of fear, just by having that awareness, you can shift your attention to the track of love. Just by seeing where you are, just by changing your attention, everything around you will change. It really is that simple.
**If you decide to be in a relationship, do your best. Do your best because it is you that is going to reap the reward. If you can love your partner and give them what they deserve, if you can open your heart completely to your partner, you can reach heaven through your love.
**To deal with someone on a day to day basis, you will need someone who is closely aligned to you. Someone who when you hold them next to you, you can quiet your mind, and let your heart lead the way. If your heart is happy this close to this person you are a match. The two of you only need to be like a key in the lock - a match that works.
**You have to start from this point forward. All of us can change and it can be for the better. Today can be a new beginning for you to work through what has happened between you and your partner. Begin every day at a higher level of love. This will keep the fire alive and make your love grow even more.
**Every relationship in your life can be healed, it can be wonderful; but it's going to begin with you. You need to have the courage to use the truth, to be completely honest. If you can learn to control your own actions, then you can change your routines, and you can change your life.
**Love has no expectations. When we love, we don't have expectations. We do it because we want to, and if other people do it, it's because they want to.
**Love is based on respect. Love respects. "I love you" "I know you can do this" "I know you can make it" "I know you are strong" "I know you are intelligent" "I know you are a good person" "You can make it" "You can do it" "And, if you fall I will give you my hand and I will help you stand up" These are all words of compassion and compassion comes from respect and from love.
**Love is completely responsible. Everything we think, everything we do, has a consequence. If we make a choice, we have an outcome or a reaction. We are going to experience the consequence of our actions in one way or another. Every person is completely responsible for their actions, even if he dosen't want to be, or chooses not to be.
**Love is always kind. If you are in the track of love, you have no obligations and no expectations. You are feeling good about yourself. You are feeling good about the person you love. Because you are happy, you are kind. Love is always kind and kindess means generosity and opening all doors. Love is generous. Fear is selfish; it is only about me. Selfishness closes all doors. Shutting out the rest of the world because we feel overwhelmed is selfish.
**Love is unconditional. In the track of love, there is no IF; there are no conditions. I love you for no reason, with no justification. I love you the way you are, and you are free to be who you are. You are free to express yourself and to open up to me, and I will love you unconditionally. I will take your expressions as part of you, and if I love you, I will not become defensive. I will understand that your expressions are part of you, and I love you. IF WE ARE GOING TO CHANGE IT IS BECAUSE WE WANT TO CHANGE, BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT TO SUFFER ANY LONGER.
**Love is justice. In the track of love, there is justice. If you make a mistake, you pay once for that mistake and if you truly love yourself and you learn from that mistake it won't happen again. In justice, you must take note of your actions that are causing fear in your partner, own your mistake and do not let it happen again.
**In the track of love, you are always giving more than taking. You love yourself so much that you don't allow selfish people to take advantage of you, to ignore you, to belittle you, to disrespect you, to scold you. You must be clear in your communication. You can say to your partner, "I don't like it when you take advantage of me, I don't like it when you ignore me, I don't like it when you belittle me, I don't like it when you lie to me to protect yourself, I don't like it when you get defensive, when you disrespect me, when you are unkind to me. I don't need someone to abuse me emotionally. It's not that I'm better than you; it's because I love to laugh; I love to have fun; I love to love. It's not that I'm selfish in wanting you to love me. It dosen't mean that I don't love you, I just don't need a big victim near me and I cannot take responsibility for your unhappiness in your life." Selfishness, lies and fear will break almost any relationship. Generosity, honesty and love will create the most beautiful relationship; an ongoing relationship that will last.
**To master a relationship is all about you. The first step is to become aware, to know that everyone dreams his own dream. Once you know this you can be responsible for your half of your relationship, which is you. If you know that you are responsible for half of the relationship, then you can control your half and make sure your half is the best it can possibly be. We know that our partner is responsible for their half of the relationship. If they are doing their half, and there is problems, you must look to your half to fix the problems. If we respect the other half of our relationship, there is always going to be peace in that relationship. There will be no war. You must be able to communicate to your parnter and know that you will not be judged for your feelings. The quality of your communication depends on the choices you make in each moment, whether you tune your emotional body to love or to fear. If you catch yourself in the track of fear, just by having that awareness, you can shift your attention to the track of love. Just by seeing where you are, just by changing your attention, everything around you will change. It really is that simple.
**If you decide to be in a relationship, do your best. Do your best because it is you that is going to reap the reward. If you can love your partner and give them what they deserve, if you can open your heart completely to your partner, you can reach heaven through your love.
**To deal with someone on a day to day basis, you will need someone who is closely aligned to you. Someone who when you hold them next to you, you can quiet your mind, and let your heart lead the way. If your heart is happy this close to this person you are a match. The two of you only need to be like a key in the lock - a match that works.
**You have to start from this point forward. All of us can change and it can be for the better. Today can be a new beginning for you to work through what has happened between you and your partner. Begin every day at a higher level of love. This will keep the fire alive and make your love grow even more.
**Every relationship in your life can be healed, it can be wonderful; but it's going to begin with you. You need to have the courage to use the truth, to be completely honest. If you can learn to control your own actions, then you can change your routines, and you can change your life.