Hi, folks! I fell of the edge of the world for a while, but I am stilll here! Between work and computer issues, I just haven't been able to do more than log in occasionally. I've moved into an apartment in Rancho Santa Margarita, been working like a madman and looking for a new job with less stress, fighting in the SCA, and dating a...
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Wow, only three days in my new position as the slavedriver of Irvine, and I'm ready for a vacation. Actually, I was already ready for a real vacation while I was on my whirlwind Christmas vacation (from L.A. to Biloxi to Atlanta to Biloxi and back to L.A. in 5 days). What I want now is time to absorb all that I've observed over the...
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Wow, I have hardly been here for a month. I feel like a complete slacker. Of course, that may have to do with me slacking...
I finally feel like I've kicked the chest cold I've had for a couple of weeks, but I am really beat. I have been run down, and then I worked all weekend doing inventory. I am so looking forward to...
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I finally feel like I've kicked the chest cold I've had for a couple of weeks, but I am really beat. I have been run down, and then I worked all weekend doing inventory. I am so looking forward to...
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Congrats and the new job thingy my dear!!! You have been gone for quite sometime!! I think you missed my last set in psw... I hope you feel 100% soon. We have all been sick too. I am still really run down also. I have been in bed by 8 pm every night...whats with that?? Good luck my dear!!! Have a great Christmas!!
Sweet Jesus with french fries - I just saw Borat. The fight scene was the biggest surprise of the movie, and I am not sure how deeply it has scarred me. Two thumbs up, and a shoe.
I was hoping to see Casino Royale, but now that's on for Sunday with Kurt and Kitty. Tomorrow I'm riding up to Ridgecrest with Kurt and Gene (if...
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I was hoping to see Casino Royale, but now that's on for Sunday with Kurt and Kitty. Tomorrow I'm riding up to Ridgecrest with Kurt and Gene (if...
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Hello there you!
I saw Borat last weekend...it was funny. Hope you enjoy your weekend! 

Thanks so much for the support, your comment made me smile ^__^
This is a very good day to be Friday. Just in the nick of time, I swear.
It was a good weekend. Saturday's drive down to El Cajon was not bad, Coronation proceeded smoothly, and ended in a timely fashion. It was a real relief to be relieved of guarding duty. We went to check in to the hotel afterward, and I headed over to...
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It was a good weekend. Saturday's drive down to El Cajon was not bad, Coronation proceeded smoothly, and ended in a timely fashion. It was a real relief to be relieved of guarding duty. We went to check in to the hotel afterward, and I headed over to...
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Black Sabbath's Paranoid is a perfect heavy metal song - maybe not the ultimate, but just so satisfying.
I'm guardedly optimistic about the outcome of the elections. The Democrats are no angels, but I'll sleep better knowing the whole show is not controlled by one party. Bush was on the radio tallking about "victory in Iraq", which I thought was kind of innappropriate, like referring...
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I'm guardedly optimistic about the outcome of the elections. The Democrats are no angels, but I'll sleep better knowing the whole show is not controlled by one party. Bush was on the radio tallking about "victory in Iraq", which I thought was kind of innappropriate, like referring...
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Well, it was a very busy Saturday!
I drove down to San Diego for the event (after waiting until 9am for the freakin' pharmacy to open) and made it in plenty of time, since the day was off to a bit of a slow start. I went to 5th round in a kind of odd triple elimination list, fighting for Dame Ismay. I won against...
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I drove down to San Diego for the event (after waiting until 9am for the freakin' pharmacy to open) and made it in plenty of time, since the day was off to a bit of a slow start. I went to 5th round in a kind of odd triple elimination list, fighting for Dame Ismay. I won against...
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Ah, I'm tired, just about to go to bed. It's that good kind of tired that says, "I did an honest day's work today." We ended up getting Mike & Sharon's move finished, except for some delicate odds and ends. I really dig their new house - no pool, but a cool floorplan and yard.
I did not, however, get my resume revised. Damn it,...
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I did not, however, get my resume revised. Damn it,...
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thanks for the comments on my newest pics. glad you liked em. 

Thanks babe! I think he was being funny...LOL! I liked your ideas...hmmm whipped cream and chocolate can be messy when you are alone with the cam. Last time I played with the liquid lollipop I got it all over the screen and the buttons...hahha! I hope you have a great weekend and thanks again!

So white and nerdyWeird Al Yankovic is God. 'Nuff said.
My weekend in Denver was wonderful, despite a harrowing dash to the airport on Friday night. The weather was beautiful - crisp and clear, with just enough snow late at night to have pockets in the shade through the afternoon, and just cold enough to make you grateful for a good coat or sweater. I've...
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My weekend in Denver was wonderful, despite a harrowing dash to the airport on Friday night. The weather was beautiful - crisp and clear, with just enough snow late at night to have pockets in the shade through the afternoon, and just cold enough to make you grateful for a good coat or sweater. I've...
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I actually watched CSI:NY last night (live, instead of TiVo'ing it), which I rarely do these days. It was a real kick to see the SG's on national TV, and to find out that Nixon and Al can act (not surprising). Not that the other girls did badly, they just had too little screen time. You know, if Al killed someone, she's too smart to...
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Hahahaha...I wonder why?
And I am warmer then Denver. 

Glad to know it's not just me.
I ended up getting two done...so I am happy with myself today! Now I can start messing them back up.