I hear that some (truck) drivers read books while going down the road. Frankly I don't know how in the world they could pull that off. But books on tape or CD are certainly nice (and safe). Personally I don't think I could do this job any more without my Sirius satellite radio. I've had it for... must be 4 years now, and I'd consider it a necessity to my sanity.
This isn't really a very good photo, but this is the tattoo on my right forearm.
You're definitely right. And today it blew up past just improving
Instead of just defensive with the occassional offensive, I was more like a panther. Played it stealthy for the beginning of rolling, and then went for the throat. Over and over again. First day in which I submitted multiple people by more than just chance and simple mistakes being made Very proud
And your artwork is fantastic. I love it. I've always had a thing for faeries though
This isn't really a very good photo, but this is the tattoo on my right forearm.
Instead of just defensive with the occassional offensive, I was more like a panther. Played it stealthy for the beginning of rolling, and then went for the throat. Over and over again. First day in which I submitted multiple people by more than just chance and simple mistakes being made
And your artwork is fantastic. I love it. I've always had a thing for faeries though