It's been a long day. I bought my dad Blue Man Group tickets for his birthday, made him a card, took him out to lunch. It went well.
After, I went to a munch and met some intellectuals for an early supper. Yes, they taste good.
But I'm sure you don't want to hear me wax poetic about the flavor of intellectuals... so.
Things I learned:
The origin of HIV is a monkey.
The visigoths were not civilized before the Italians (whom they conquered). WTF???
It's possible to have muscle fatigue and loss of energy from not being able to properly digest caseine.
Superiority complexes are not a necessary symptom of know-it-all-sitis.
So this very physically attractive guy with a superior intellect to probably 82&1/2 % of the population was kind enough to sit across from me and basically keep me entertained through the whole munch. LOL
As a result of his ease mixed with the fact that he probably knew more than I could learn in a lifetime if I were to be in school until I died, I wanted to fuck his brains out.
Anyway, he speaks Japanese, German, French, and English, is an engineer, and has lived in AT LEAST Hawaii, Texas, and now Middleton, and has a craving and affinity towards philosophy and BDSM. AND he's fine. Fuck this shitt. What is a munch for but to talk about BDSM, yet I walked away not knowing much more about his kinky preferences than I did when I first saw him. And now???? Now I don't know how to get in touch with him.... but there's something I feel I need to be weary of when a self-proclaimed "sadist" who can swim mental circles around me without breaking a sweat, well when someone like that shows interest I don't know if I want to say "yes" (metaphorically and literally speaking) or watch them for 10 years..... Watch them in the sense that I could look and learn from them. Maybe I should walk up to him, next time, and say "Be my GOD. Teach me how to be your slave. I want to worship you." just for the experience of everything I'd learn in his company. I really admire intelligent men who have high EQ's as well. FUCKING SEXY.
Yeah. So that was my afternoon.
I should have said yes when he offered to walk me to my car.
There will be other times. At least this way I get to have a chance to see what his reputation turns out to be among the other subs and doms and how he manages among the Boston BDSM scene. It's safer this way, and it also gives me time to take a breather and gather myself to take some time to hear what he's about. I can maybe gather something about his style. It's fucking fun to obsess, but I don't have the energy to keep it up so I have this intention but in a hour I won't even think of him unless I see him or hear his name somewhere. LOL All talk, no action.
On a last note, my mom's coming to visit for two days and her wife is going to be there too for the first day. I have to hang out with them both. I'm going to get them both gifts and do a lot of emphasizing that I'm happy they're together. My mom's wife never seemed to understand that it wasn't a competition until I blantantly encouraged them to get close and cuddly when I was around. Weird. I also have to outright tell her that I'm literally so glad that she's with my mom that I wouldn't have it any other way. I have to make sure that she knows it. Gosh. Why can't some people get over their fucking deadbeat insecure senses of worth. But hey, if I need to assuage someone's insecure sense of worth for a couple hours so I don't have to be yelled and bitched at for an hour, then I'll do it.
Whew. I'm NOT usually this bitchy. I think I'm PMSing myself. You probably didn't need to know that.

After, I went to a munch and met some intellectuals for an early supper. Yes, they taste good.

Things I learned:
The origin of HIV is a monkey.
The visigoths were not civilized before the Italians (whom they conquered). WTF???
It's possible to have muscle fatigue and loss of energy from not being able to properly digest caseine.
Superiority complexes are not a necessary symptom of know-it-all-sitis.
So this very physically attractive guy with a superior intellect to probably 82&1/2 % of the population was kind enough to sit across from me and basically keep me entertained through the whole munch. LOL
As a result of his ease mixed with the fact that he probably knew more than I could learn in a lifetime if I were to be in school until I died, I wanted to fuck his brains out.
Anyway, he speaks Japanese, German, French, and English, is an engineer, and has lived in AT LEAST Hawaii, Texas, and now Middleton, and has a craving and affinity towards philosophy and BDSM. AND he's fine. Fuck this shitt. What is a munch for but to talk about BDSM, yet I walked away not knowing much more about his kinky preferences than I did when I first saw him. And now???? Now I don't know how to get in touch with him.... but there's something I feel I need to be weary of when a self-proclaimed "sadist" who can swim mental circles around me without breaking a sweat, well when someone like that shows interest I don't know if I want to say "yes" (metaphorically and literally speaking) or watch them for 10 years..... Watch them in the sense that I could look and learn from them. Maybe I should walk up to him, next time, and say "Be my GOD. Teach me how to be your slave. I want to worship you." just for the experience of everything I'd learn in his company. I really admire intelligent men who have high EQ's as well. FUCKING SEXY.
Yeah. So that was my afternoon.
I should have said yes when he offered to walk me to my car.
There will be other times. At least this way I get to have a chance to see what his reputation turns out to be among the other subs and doms and how he manages among the Boston BDSM scene. It's safer this way, and it also gives me time to take a breather and gather myself to take some time to hear what he's about. I can maybe gather something about his style. It's fucking fun to obsess, but I don't have the energy to keep it up so I have this intention but in a hour I won't even think of him unless I see him or hear his name somewhere. LOL All talk, no action.

On a last note, my mom's coming to visit for two days and her wife is going to be there too for the first day. I have to hang out with them both. I'm going to get them both gifts and do a lot of emphasizing that I'm happy they're together. My mom's wife never seemed to understand that it wasn't a competition until I blantantly encouraged them to get close and cuddly when I was around. Weird. I also have to outright tell her that I'm literally so glad that she's with my mom that I wouldn't have it any other way. I have to make sure that she knows it. Gosh. Why can't some people get over their fucking deadbeat insecure senses of worth. But hey, if I need to assuage someone's insecure sense of worth for a couple hours so I don't have to be yelled and bitched at for an hour, then I'll do it.
Whew. I'm NOT usually this bitchy. I think I'm PMSing myself. You probably didn't need to know that.

ah i don't know what the fuck you were so shy about 1 point though make the pics a bit smaller next time i had to download em so i could see em right, oh an sweet i'll save the sexy comment for some more like one of you out an about type pics then again fuck it, SEXY, jus find a photographer that doesn't use inbuilt flash the lights very harsh which is never good for portrait pics needs bouncin from an angle

Maybe you'll see him at the next munch.....btw whats a munch?