So I'm back at my old job, and I'm sort of feeling like making some huge changes. To my eating, my appearance, and to what I do with my time. LOL I've been thinking about new body mods for a while (nipple piercings, and tattoos). Nipple piercings first, right. Then a tattoo. If I get a tattoo though, I want it to be a massive one, on my back. Yeah. Only, I don't know if any of you can relate to this, I've been holding off from getting a tattoo because I have this secret fear that if I do something wrong it would be all so easy for people to identify me by my tattoo(s). If you knew me, you'd know what a joke that was because I could hardly hurt a fly... but if you knew me even better you'd understand that it's a possibility. LOL Even with all my self-righteous jargon and an inner craving for justice I still don't want to get caught in my crimes (whatever they may be). I deal with this by not committing any crimes. Sort of like opposite poles pulling on eachother. LOL Anyway, back to those changes... they can't cost much because I don't have a lot of money (body mods will have to come last, I guess). OOOO! I can paint a couple of chairs and set them up in my room like standing art that you can sit on, even! LOL SOMETHING> I'll keep you updated, even if it's in a couple weeks or a month.