i went to the street fair yesterday and got me presents. make up. bras. panties. socks. all the crap i was too lazy to buy before. woohoo. i'm sooo tired. it's six thirty and i have the shittiest jetlag ever. i think i'll raid the village today in search of the boots of my dreams.
i hope his plans work out. not coz of...
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Blah to MENz! tongue

I'll let you kick my ass but don't kill me. I haven't lived long enough yet.

alone?? that's the story of my life.

omg... OPETH fucken rocks!! biggrin

I guess today's a bit better. I walked around the city asking myself "what would he want?". got him books and health stuff. ugh. i hate this. i hope things work out, i really do.
anyway, i love this place, you can get everything, fast. and that's just great for a spoiled impatient brat like me. i love all the vegan food here. i'm going...
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I hope one day I can become a vegan, I'm down to a single portion of meat a week if none at all (huge accomplishment for me). I feel much better, I just wish I liked tomatoes.

Glad you like the city smile
saw none more black/laurence arms/against me/rise against/ANTI FLAG at B.B. KINGS. (42nd on Broadway). it was great. Anti flag rocked my roll.
yesterday and this morning i was the happiest person alive. today i'm so fucking depressed. it's amazing what one phone call can do to you. i feel like shit. physically, mentally.. ugh..
make this day go away. i hate people. i hate holding...
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Listening to: Oasis - Morning Glory
Feeling: sick to my stomache.

last night was pretty good. i tought a bunch of 18 year old boys how tampons work, with minor threat in the background. they really found it astonishing. i was the only girl there that wore a bra and shaved. feminism is way too weird for me. i almost fell asleep on the drive...
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Bizarre. surreal

Feminism doesn't have to be extreme like that. Anyone who believes so fundementally in something is the reason why things will never get done. Period.

No room for compromise= reason to hate.

Have a good trip...

Boxer brief underwear and a batman t-shirt... it's late... wink

Ooh, and all I have to say is:

"Yogurt! I hate Yogurt! Even with strawberries!"
indeed, that is the belt buckle. I am spoiled.
listening to: Faith No More - Ugly in the Morning
(how appropriate.)
feeling: ugh.
it's 9AM. and i ask myself. why the fuck am i up, anyway? i feel like shit, and i'm gonna go to the city today and meet friends and eat fatty food, though i'm really not up to it. soon i'll be in that claustrophobic flying box, eating plastic food, trying...
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only 2 here....class at 7....puke

a lil bitchin on your journal is expected

Hope you have a good time in the city!

"I'll I wanna do is zoom zoom zoom zoom and a boom boom, Just shake yah rump!"
listening to: Faith No More - The gentle art of making enemies
feeling: fine.
today started early. i cant believe im awake. i slept for two hours.
i'm gonna pick him up from work and buy weird stuff at the mall with my birthday money. think he'll miss me?
lost 10 pounds. im not sure how. im now 100 pounds on 5"4. didn't feel like...
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I just adore Faith No More. My favorite song by them whould have to the "The Edge of the World" Damn now I am going to have to hear that song.