Well, as you know, my feet is broken, so I try to kill the time by watching TV shows!!
This week, I'm starting watching again the old series "Buffy The Vampire slayer"
Never watch it on VO! It is so much better like that!!! :)
This week, for #SGHOMEWORK (by @rambo & @missy) : What are you afraid of?
Well, that's a large question!! I think I can't try to answer it point by point!
1. I really am afraid of spiders.... Brrrrr, I do not like them, especially the big black hairy ones.....
2. I'm afraid of never be able to trust again... I'm sure that I'm not the...
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This week, for #SGHOMEWORK : What would you like to accomplish in the next year?
Thanks to @rambo & @missy for the work on that topic!!
So, There's many different things I want to accomplish for the next year, at many different level!
- At work, I want to publish more in order to increase my scientific and academic career! I also want to join...
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In one hand, I'm frustrated because I'm totally unable to do simple things by myself... But in other hand, it gives me "holidays" and time to spent, quiet, at home!!
I really don't know how to take it on the bright side, But I'm sure of one things : my future shoes will be totally ugly, but they will keep my feet like in a...
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