so very few of you will actually care about this, but to me it was really cool, and since its my blog and i haven't updated in a while, this is the best your gonna get.
so I've been playing left4dead for PC, a lot. its really fun, TreBlah has it too so we play online. Since he moved north, its the closest we get to regularly hanging out, we even get to B.S. during it cuz we both have headsets/mics.
anyway when he Isn't around and i feel like playing, i play the v.s. mode, in which you alternate between playing rounds as the survivors and rounds as the special infected/zombies.
there are of course the regular (running) zombies, but in v.s. you play as the special ones as teams of 4.
the special zombies come in 5 types (each has their own "give away who and where i am" sound) but only 4 are playable :
during a round your team will consist of 2 Hunters, 1 Smoker, and 1 Boomer, who you play as is random at the start of a round and then on in based on whats alive. Unless one of you becomes a Tank then your out one of what ever that person was playing as at the time. If a Witch shows up or not depends on the difficulty setting first and luck second.
Note: all infected that are playable (including the tank) can climb up things humans can't, you'll see a yellow hand print pattern on places to climb, rooftops are great places to set up an ambush.
Witches: (they cry) Not playable. kinda like land mines, they will just sit there crying unless a human messes with them, either by shooting them, hitting them with a flashlight beam, or just getting too close. sometimes they block a necessary route and that's awesome because whichever human activates them will get knocked down and mauled. even after the witch is killed the human needs help up. so near witches are great spots to ambush because you can incapacitate all 4 humans. also I've seen a Smoker tongue drag a human toward one to set her off, more on that later.
actually they don't have brown hair they look like albinos.
Hunters: (they Growl while crouched) run fast, and also have like a 20ft leap from a crouch. with them you can pounce on a survivor and knock one down and claw the fuck out of them. this also incapacitates the human, meaning they cant get you off without help from another survivor, at the start of a round, on a team of 4 infected, you will usually have 2 hunters meaning you can incapacitate half the enemy team. perfect for getting stragglers or people who wander around away from their teammates. it takes a long time to kill a healthy pounced survivor, and the hunters are easy to kill so group ambushes are best, say pounce one survivor and the other hunter pounce who comes to save him. after a hunter is either pushed or shot off a pounced survivor, the survivor can get up on their own unless enough damage is done to put them in "last stand" mode (the human needs help up from a team mate and a decaying health bar appears, they can only use a pistol, and even then it fires really slowly, even if they get picked up, their health is dangerously low.) BE CAREFUL: a hunter can pounce a captured survivor away from a Smoker, which is bad cuz it takes a long time for the smoker to regenerate a new tongue, and usually another human is on their way to save the captured one. more on Smokers later.
Boomers: (make gurgling sounds) they puke and explode, when the vomit hits a survivor it attracts zombies like those axe body spray commercials lie and say axe attracts chicks. when shot they explode covering all nearby survivors in puke. so you play them like suicide bombers, first ambush from above or around a corner and then rush in and hope to get shot near the survivors. also puke or explosion vomit will fuck up a survivors vision for a few seconds. It takes a really long time to regenerate puke after vomiting. Boomers don't have a knockdown attack.
Smokers: (make a wheezing coughing sound) kinda like snipers. they shoot out a really long tongue that will grab and drag a human toward you (unless there is an obstacle in the way, then they get caught on the obstacle but are still incapacitated until rescued, also the tongue does some damage,) then you can them maul when they get close enough, humans cant escape from the tongue by themselves (...if you tangle them from behind, if hit from the front they can shoot at you until they get pulled close to you or stuck on an obstacle.) your human can be freed if you are killed, or your tongue is shot (sometimes they shoot whoever is tongued to sever the thing, this does friendly fire damage to the human) it takes a while for the tongue to regenerate after a successful capture. the negative here is you only drag in a straight line... towards you, there-by revealing your position, so capturing stragglers, the last person in the group, or leaders way ahead of the group is the way to go. you can also put an danger between you and the victim, like a witch, or a fire, or a car that has an alarm that will summon a shit load of zombies, or in one level a drop off a building. you can pull survivors down off raised platforms that don't have raised edges, or away from the protection of a group, teamed with 2 hunters you can incapacitate 3/4 of the human team. again the humans can get right back up if you don't damage them enough to put them into last chance mode before they get free. Also when Smokers die they explode in a small cloud of smoke that humans cant see clearly in for a few seconds, great time for a Boomer to rush in. Smokers also have a clearly visible green smoke aura that can give away their location so try and stay out of site. (note: you can also set off the car alarm, by jumping on it or hitting it, to summon zombies, as any of the infected, also the alarm will go off if the car gets shot, so the cars make great cover, not all cars have alarms tho)
Tank: (they roar and when they move you hear a pounding sound), Randomly, you will sometimes control this guy (supposedly if the survivor group stays in the same place for too long, but i don't know for sure,) and man-o-man is it fun... kinda like being Juggernaut from X-Men. a little box pops up notifying you that you or someone else on your team will become the tank in a few seconds, so prepare! huge, strong, and hard to kill unless all four survivors surround you, or you get set on fire. they attack by either swinging their arms which has a knock back effect that, on a roof, can send a human flying back and falling to their death (key point!) or they attack by pulling a big fucking chunk of ground up and throwing it (which will send a human hit with it into last stand mode. However this takes a few seconds during which you are vulnerable and you can't move, but you can can aim. also some people call this move cheap but i say "whatever works", i also say "fuck them." ) when playing as a tank the thing to do is try and knock all 4 humans down into last chance mode (it takes a few arm swings), one by one, knock one down till they cant get up and then just run to the next closest survivor and attack them until they are down (make sure they are really down tho!) a turn as a tank is the best time for your teammates to mount an ambush, Hunters should be pouncing, Smokers tongue trapping, and Boomers puking. one Tank should end the round. Keep In Mind that there is a timer on the player as tank, if you are not attacking survivors then the bar goes down, once its empty you loose control of the tank to someone on your team. DANGER: a tank can kill other infected with its blows, and let their captured human go, so if you see another infected incapacitating a human leave them alone.
OKAY!... so i told you all that to relay a funny story about what happened when i was playing last. i was playing a round as the infected, and in the last round we we played as humans the team we were fighting got the tank twice, and we in the current round had not gotten it, in fact we had not gotten it at all really in any other round as the infected, so in frustration is said over the mic "Oh Gods of Left 4 Dead, please give us a Tank!" the very second after i said that, the little box popped up "you are going to become the tank" my fellow team mates and i were elated "HOLY SHIT!!!!!" "oh man i gotta try that" and "no fucking way" was their response, i then hit one guy off the top of the roof to hang there screaming for help and knocked another down into last chance mode before i died, luckily my team mates incapacitated the other two and we won the round. to add insult to injury the round following when we were the humans, all 4 of my team made it alive to the end and we won the whole game.
Oh Serendipity... i think i used up the rest of my luck for 2009.
there are other more personal things i can talk about but i kinda dont wanna jinx them right now, maybe next time. Later fellow S.G. perverts!
P.S. those of you with PC's who game should buy this game so we can play online.
so I've been playing left4dead for PC, a lot. its really fun, TreBlah has it too so we play online. Since he moved north, its the closest we get to regularly hanging out, we even get to B.S. during it cuz we both have headsets/mics.
anyway when he Isn't around and i feel like playing, i play the v.s. mode, in which you alternate between playing rounds as the survivors and rounds as the special infected/zombies.
there are of course the regular (running) zombies, but in v.s. you play as the special ones as teams of 4.
the special zombies come in 5 types (each has their own "give away who and where i am" sound) but only 4 are playable :
during a round your team will consist of 2 Hunters, 1 Smoker, and 1 Boomer, who you play as is random at the start of a round and then on in based on whats alive. Unless one of you becomes a Tank then your out one of what ever that person was playing as at the time. If a Witch shows up or not depends on the difficulty setting first and luck second.
Note: all infected that are playable (including the tank) can climb up things humans can't, you'll see a yellow hand print pattern on places to climb, rooftops are great places to set up an ambush.
Witches: (they cry) Not playable. kinda like land mines, they will just sit there crying unless a human messes with them, either by shooting them, hitting them with a flashlight beam, or just getting too close. sometimes they block a necessary route and that's awesome because whichever human activates them will get knocked down and mauled. even after the witch is killed the human needs help up. so near witches are great spots to ambush because you can incapacitate all 4 humans. also I've seen a Smoker tongue drag a human toward one to set her off, more on that later.
actually they don't have brown hair they look like albinos.
Hunters: (they Growl while crouched) run fast, and also have like a 20ft leap from a crouch. with them you can pounce on a survivor and knock one down and claw the fuck out of them. this also incapacitates the human, meaning they cant get you off without help from another survivor, at the start of a round, on a team of 4 infected, you will usually have 2 hunters meaning you can incapacitate half the enemy team. perfect for getting stragglers or people who wander around away from their teammates. it takes a long time to kill a healthy pounced survivor, and the hunters are easy to kill so group ambushes are best, say pounce one survivor and the other hunter pounce who comes to save him. after a hunter is either pushed or shot off a pounced survivor, the survivor can get up on their own unless enough damage is done to put them in "last stand" mode (the human needs help up from a team mate and a decaying health bar appears, they can only use a pistol, and even then it fires really slowly, even if they get picked up, their health is dangerously low.) BE CAREFUL: a hunter can pounce a captured survivor away from a Smoker, which is bad cuz it takes a long time for the smoker to regenerate a new tongue, and usually another human is on their way to save the captured one. more on Smokers later.
Boomers: (make gurgling sounds) they puke and explode, when the vomit hits a survivor it attracts zombies like those axe body spray commercials lie and say axe attracts chicks. when shot they explode covering all nearby survivors in puke. so you play them like suicide bombers, first ambush from above or around a corner and then rush in and hope to get shot near the survivors. also puke or explosion vomit will fuck up a survivors vision for a few seconds. It takes a really long time to regenerate puke after vomiting. Boomers don't have a knockdown attack.
Smokers: (make a wheezing coughing sound) kinda like snipers. they shoot out a really long tongue that will grab and drag a human toward you (unless there is an obstacle in the way, then they get caught on the obstacle but are still incapacitated until rescued, also the tongue does some damage,) then you can them maul when they get close enough, humans cant escape from the tongue by themselves (...if you tangle them from behind, if hit from the front they can shoot at you until they get pulled close to you or stuck on an obstacle.) your human can be freed if you are killed, or your tongue is shot (sometimes they shoot whoever is tongued to sever the thing, this does friendly fire damage to the human) it takes a while for the tongue to regenerate after a successful capture. the negative here is you only drag in a straight line... towards you, there-by revealing your position, so capturing stragglers, the last person in the group, or leaders way ahead of the group is the way to go. you can also put an danger between you and the victim, like a witch, or a fire, or a car that has an alarm that will summon a shit load of zombies, or in one level a drop off a building. you can pull survivors down off raised platforms that don't have raised edges, or away from the protection of a group, teamed with 2 hunters you can incapacitate 3/4 of the human team. again the humans can get right back up if you don't damage them enough to put them into last chance mode before they get free. Also when Smokers die they explode in a small cloud of smoke that humans cant see clearly in for a few seconds, great time for a Boomer to rush in. Smokers also have a clearly visible green smoke aura that can give away their location so try and stay out of site. (note: you can also set off the car alarm, by jumping on it or hitting it, to summon zombies, as any of the infected, also the alarm will go off if the car gets shot, so the cars make great cover, not all cars have alarms tho)
Tank: (they roar and when they move you hear a pounding sound), Randomly, you will sometimes control this guy (supposedly if the survivor group stays in the same place for too long, but i don't know for sure,) and man-o-man is it fun... kinda like being Juggernaut from X-Men. a little box pops up notifying you that you or someone else on your team will become the tank in a few seconds, so prepare! huge, strong, and hard to kill unless all four survivors surround you, or you get set on fire. they attack by either swinging their arms which has a knock back effect that, on a roof, can send a human flying back and falling to their death (key point!) or they attack by pulling a big fucking chunk of ground up and throwing it (which will send a human hit with it into last stand mode. However this takes a few seconds during which you are vulnerable and you can't move, but you can can aim. also some people call this move cheap but i say "whatever works", i also say "fuck them." ) when playing as a tank the thing to do is try and knock all 4 humans down into last chance mode (it takes a few arm swings), one by one, knock one down till they cant get up and then just run to the next closest survivor and attack them until they are down (make sure they are really down tho!) a turn as a tank is the best time for your teammates to mount an ambush, Hunters should be pouncing, Smokers tongue trapping, and Boomers puking. one Tank should end the round. Keep In Mind that there is a timer on the player as tank, if you are not attacking survivors then the bar goes down, once its empty you loose control of the tank to someone on your team. DANGER: a tank can kill other infected with its blows, and let their captured human go, so if you see another infected incapacitating a human leave them alone.
OKAY!... so i told you all that to relay a funny story about what happened when i was playing last. i was playing a round as the infected, and in the last round we we played as humans the team we were fighting got the tank twice, and we in the current round had not gotten it, in fact we had not gotten it at all really in any other round as the infected, so in frustration is said over the mic "Oh Gods of Left 4 Dead, please give us a Tank!" the very second after i said that, the little box popped up "you are going to become the tank" my fellow team mates and i were elated "HOLY SHIT!!!!!" "oh man i gotta try that" and "no fucking way" was their response, i then hit one guy off the top of the roof to hang there screaming for help and knocked another down into last chance mode before i died, luckily my team mates incapacitated the other two and we won the round. to add insult to injury the round following when we were the humans, all 4 of my team made it alive to the end and we won the whole game.
Oh Serendipity... i think i used up the rest of my luck for 2009.
there are other more personal things i can talk about but i kinda dont wanna jinx them right now, maybe next time. Later fellow S.G. perverts!
P.S. those of you with PC's who game should buy this game so we can play online.
when did you stop loving me?