My love of reading and basic chivalric nature has betrayed me yet again. During my lunch break today I stopped at the Barnes and Nobel in Menlo Park Mall, and proceeded to drive around for 15 minutes because there are to many people on the planet, and never enough parking for all of them. Finally finding an recently vacated spot I pull up, its right in front of the store. However this spot is on the end so a lady driving down the road perpendicular to me see it and can just pull right in, however she sees me and stops. Realizing that from our positioning, it would be incredibly easy for her to pull in and a huge pain in the ass for me to navigate into the spot around her, I acquiesce and allow her to have the spot, after a moments more driving I see another open spot under the parking deck, next to some retard sitting in his car who apparently cant pull a vehicle in between parallel to lines on the road and ops to instead try and park his car on both of those lines. I park and loudly sate to any nearby jackasses sitting in their lopsided parked cars with the windows open that it is of my opinion that removing ones head from ones own ass is beneficial when trying to park in any form resembling correctly. As I walk away I notice an odd smell. while I walk up to the book store I see the very woman I let park earlier, she is pretty, pregnant and says to me in a charming Australian (i believe ) accent Thank you for the spot. I feel good about my self, I enter the store, there is not a fucking thing worth my time in it, I leave the store about 45 minutes later, walk back to my car. There is a large splatter of water on my windshield, and running down my hood, I enter my car and look at it and notice from the ceiling above there is a large and frequent dripping, also i notice that the water is leaving a film, and i smell that odd oder again, I realize that it smells much like stagnant water or sewage... A drainage pipe of some kind, possibly sewage, had leaked on my car... the water is so polluted that it has left a film on my window, i turn on my windshield wiper fluid and half way through making my window "see-through -able" it runs out... driving away I don't want any of this dripping into my car so i turn on the vents... and instantly my car is filled with the oder of dookie water. Special note, between the Menlo Park mall and the New Brunswick exit there are no Car washes. My hatred of god and all mankind increases.

it's slightly too long, so it becomes more annoying than amusing. but hey, what's a minute and 20 seconds of your life worth anyway?
what amuses me most is the picture of you with the baby chainsaw...wearing a shirt that says "sword play". yay sharp things!