ok so the Transformers movie comes out july 4th.
its directed by Michael Bay which i cant say im thrilled aboiut, but im not pissed off either, he does alot of big budget action movies, which it is, but not all of them hit the mark.
so ive compiled a list of things that need to be in the movie for me to consider it bad ass, anything after this list i basicaly can consider a bonus, unless its fucking retarted, like "what the fuck!?" kinda retarted and it takes a chunk out of the movies side, i mean the already changed what kinda truck Optimus Prime is, and that kinda sucks and the whole flame paint job thing is a lil' "eh" but at least A: Optimus is in the Movie and - B: hes a truck and not like a tank or somthing like they tried to "eXtreme" him up.
any who heres the list:
1 Optimus voice is the Guy from the tv show and not just some hollywood A list jagoff.
Awsome : they got him, Peter Cullen from the TV show is playing Optimus!
2 the transformers make the sound from the tv show when they change from robot to vehical and vice versa
my best ottomottapia would be "CHICK-HA-HER-HER-WHIR"
Sounds like they got it!
3 Some of the robots need to die. i remember seeing the animated movie for the first time and like 3 minutes in a bunch of robots from the tv show get shot by megatron and smoke and energy pours out of their mouth, eyes, and wound, and they turn grey and they die. as awsome as it was traumitizing.
4 Starscream being an underhanded prick and Megatron abusing him like they lived in a trailer and a loveless marriage.
check the link b/c it sounds like they got it
5 HAIR METAL, i dont care if its just on the radio in the back ground in a scene but they need to work in the song from the animated movie "YOU GOT THE TOUCH" it was so awsomely bad , it made that movie... ok if you dont use that song then at least cover the re-made theme song they had a hairmetal band play during the credits.
6 the scene from the animated movie where Optimus in truck mode is just plowing thru decepticons and then he detatches his trailer and flames shoot out from underneath and he flys up in the air and changes into robot mode and mid air starts blowing decepticons away. it was totally Boss. if you have the movie its just around 19 minutes 44 seconds. to see it live action would rock.

its directed by Michael Bay which i cant say im thrilled aboiut, but im not pissed off either, he does alot of big budget action movies, which it is, but not all of them hit the mark.
so ive compiled a list of things that need to be in the movie for me to consider it bad ass, anything after this list i basicaly can consider a bonus, unless its fucking retarted, like "what the fuck!?" kinda retarted and it takes a chunk out of the movies side, i mean the already changed what kinda truck Optimus Prime is, and that kinda sucks and the whole flame paint job thing is a lil' "eh" but at least A: Optimus is in the Movie and - B: hes a truck and not like a tank or somthing like they tried to "eXtreme" him up.
any who heres the list:
1 Optimus voice is the Guy from the tv show and not just some hollywood A list jagoff.
Awsome : they got him, Peter Cullen from the TV show is playing Optimus!
2 the transformers make the sound from the tv show when they change from robot to vehical and vice versa
my best ottomottapia would be "CHICK-HA-HER-HER-WHIR"
Sounds like they got it!
3 Some of the robots need to die. i remember seeing the animated movie for the first time and like 3 minutes in a bunch of robots from the tv show get shot by megatron and smoke and energy pours out of their mouth, eyes, and wound, and they turn grey and they die. as awsome as it was traumitizing.
4 Starscream being an underhanded prick and Megatron abusing him like they lived in a trailer and a loveless marriage.
check the link b/c it sounds like they got it
5 HAIR METAL, i dont care if its just on the radio in the back ground in a scene but they need to work in the song from the animated movie "YOU GOT THE TOUCH" it was so awsomely bad , it made that movie... ok if you dont use that song then at least cover the re-made theme song they had a hairmetal band play during the credits.
6 the scene from the animated movie where Optimus in truck mode is just plowing thru decepticons and then he detatches his trailer and flames shoot out from underneath and he flys up in the air and changes into robot mode and mid air starts blowing decepticons away. it was totally Boss. if you have the movie its just around 19 minutes 44 seconds. to see it live action would rock.


megatron just looks weird. like some sort of chrome sea creature...
that he was. i am hoping to make an appearance on saturday night