I don't know if any of you have ever had serious bouts of insomnia, im not really sure if i am right now or just my sleep schedual is boned. however here is a list of activities you could partake in while awake.
stare at your darkened celing until it mocks you.
actually update your SG profile and comment on the boards or news items
in a completely unrelated topic - m-bate an ungodly amount B/C of sudden nocturnal bouts of horniness
Watch BeerFest 3 times in a row, once with commentary
try a shit load of times and still not beat the final colossus in "Shadow of the Colossus"
actually see a video on MTV
Be awake from Dinner to Breakfast
seriously consider becoming a costumed vigilante.
wonder where on earth you can get blackmarket genetic engineering
watch Voltron on Cartoon Network
HATE the sunrise.
stare at your darkened celing until it mocks you.
actually update your SG profile and comment on the boards or news items
in a completely unrelated topic - m-bate an ungodly amount B/C of sudden nocturnal bouts of horniness
Watch BeerFest 3 times in a row, once with commentary
try a shit load of times and still not beat the final colossus in "Shadow of the Colossus"
actually see a video on MTV
Be awake from Dinner to Breakfast
seriously consider becoming a costumed vigilante.
wonder where on earth you can get blackmarket genetic engineering
watch Voltron on Cartoon Network
HATE the sunrise.

does 3 months count as a serious bout?
Thank you so much for taking the time out to type a comment for my set, I appreciate it so much! Thanks!