first of all i just want to state that i am indeed drunk.
which might help with explaining the following...
as i was drinking orange juice i noticed a picture of jhonny lydon (a.k.a: jhonny rotten) that my room mate Treblah has on the fridge...
and i notice behind him on the wall over his left sholder, (right from looking at him) is : "hello its Stone cold sober again" well "cold sober again" was obviously written after the fact as the handwriting is different and is thicker and darker... which got me thinking... who would write "hello its stone"? you know what ... i would. my name is in fact Justin Stone. and honestly the writing bears a rather good resemblance to my all capitols handwriting. so now in my intoxicated haze im am sure that at some point i travel back in time and write "hello its stone" on the wall of some rock club back in the mid-late 1960's as confermation to at least my self that i will be a time traveler at some point and then some cock sucker then writes "cold sober again" (whom i could actually be after my futuristic american money is refused at the bar.) and that is really cool... and a bit geekish but cool i think... lemme know what you think.... and thats when my brain exploded.
edited to change that it was in fact apple juice, not orange juice, i was drinking out of the fridge
editied again to say now im gonna look at hot girls boobies, yes including yours Lucy
which might help with explaining the following...
as i was drinking orange juice i noticed a picture of jhonny lydon (a.k.a: jhonny rotten) that my room mate Treblah has on the fridge...
and i notice behind him on the wall over his left sholder, (right from looking at him) is : "hello its Stone cold sober again" well "cold sober again" was obviously written after the fact as the handwriting is different and is thicker and darker... which got me thinking... who would write "hello its stone"? you know what ... i would. my name is in fact Justin Stone. and honestly the writing bears a rather good resemblance to my all capitols handwriting. so now in my intoxicated haze im am sure that at some point i travel back in time and write "hello its stone" on the wall of some rock club back in the mid-late 1960's as confermation to at least my self that i will be a time traveler at some point and then some cock sucker then writes "cold sober again" (whom i could actually be after my futuristic american money is refused at the bar.) and that is really cool... and a bit geekish but cool i think... lemme know what you think.... and thats when my brain exploded.
edited to change that it was in fact apple juice, not orange juice, i was drinking out of the fridge
editied again to say now im gonna look at hot girls boobies, yes including yours Lucy
do you understand what the term tea-bagging means dear roommie?