Well its been quite busy for me lately. I've been trying to keep updating but it's been crazy lately. Saturday was a blast. I met up with ScottSmallin at Bedrock Bar in Baltimore. The Owner Sam was completely awesome and let us have the place from 1 til 5 something. I got to see Suri shoot a new set which will be awesome when it goes up. Sassie and her hubby Croft are so completely adorable. They make me sick with how cute they are. I also got to see one of my favorite people in the world....Acacia. Be jealous!!! I got to see those three almost all day! I also got to meet the beautiful Perry. She is so cute and does a great job with makeup!!
So I shot a new set on saturday too....no more black hair and an extra person in the mix. The set was hilarious to shoot and I realized I do better naked than with clothes on
! My poor boyfriend got his knee beaten up while this shoot was going. He was such a good sport. Around 8, we headed to my party and got everything set up. Some of the things didn't go the way I planned but it all worked out pretty good. We were supposed to had a DJ but instead had some whacky band. Ember couldn't make it down but it all worked out because I made Sassie get on the mic.She's so awesome and did an awesome metal happy birthday! ss3_gokoux also came down to see me which was pretty awesome. I haven't seen him since the beginning of may. He got drunk with us! Lazerninjamade his first appearance at an SG night. I was so proud of him!MetalBeard also came up to see me, along with KD0083. I didn't get to see too much of Adelayde or some of the other people who came out but I thought it worked out pretty well.
So I shot a new set on saturday too....no more black hair and an extra person in the mix. The set was hilarious to shoot and I realized I do better naked than with clothes on

I think my next event...I found a new location for so keep your eyes peeled!!
These are the sets I love and I think you should check out.
Apple-Bad Babysitter
Andi-Washed Away
Seizure-Mirror Mirror
Leandra-pink punk
Silencia-Sleeping with Ghosts
Vivid-Blinding Tiles
Lexie-Text sex
I would really love to see these go up!!! Also I would love to see Acacia's set from back in January go up!

Good news first. What's up, honey?