Wow, one of my "best" friends and I got into this huge argument.
Im just tired of being his shoulder to cry on when his girl hunts dont go well.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
He used to have a crush on me when I was younger but then I told him we were like family, just to back off. Well every once in a while, he used to overstep his friend boundary(which I did tell my fiance because thats his friend too) and I'd go off.
Over the past couple of years, hes had the weirdest taste in girls and he always knows how to creep them out. He was talking to this asian girl and she thought he was a stalker. He went after some girl that lived a bit away and he found out she was married but was having a bump in the road with her husband.The last girl I tried to set him up with, he creeped her out by calling her all the time.
Now, hes been onto this lesbian(He thinks hes going to convert her but he still is a virgin so it doesnt make sense to me) and so all of his time has gone to her. All the guys and I feel like we're a disease or something so Im the only one who actually has guts to stand up about it.
This Saturday is my birthday function(party whatever you want to call it) and everyone whos been my friend for quite sometime, knows I have a get together the saturday before my birthday. Well I asked him to help me out and he said he had plans with that girl. I asked him to change his plans for part of the day and he got snippy with me.
As soon as that happened, I snapped. I would invite the girl but hes ashamed of us(Trust me, we've asked him) so how are you going to blow off your so called best friend for a girl that you have no chance in hell with? We've been friends since 9th grade(known him since elementary but we both moved so no friendship there) which has been 9 years almost.
So anyways, He came over here tonight and tried to cuss me out but I wasnt paying much attention. My feelings arent hurt anymore.ITs just more of feeling sorry for him that he doesnt realize this girl is using him.
What would you do?
Oh, and happy (belated) birthday!