It was a typical day for domesticated duties. Did the whole laundry, dishes, vaccuuming, clean the house deal. Enjoyed watching the Daytona 500. Found out from a miao!! in Texas that it was around 80 degrees there today. I myself lived in El Paso for 3 years. Believe me when I tell you kids that it is possible to get frostbite in Texas. Some of the...
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nicolery is my friend in real life. i am not quite positive, but i think i'm the reason she's here? who knows. i didn't know she was interested in it enough to join, and this has been a wonderful surprise! biggrin
It was a good day today (except for the SmAK on the back of the neck from Dudrey, thanks). Sometimes a man needs a good smak to wake his senses. It's been cold here all day, only in the 20's. I know certain people from Mesquite, Texas would think that 20 degrees would be some sort of science experiment. It's after 11pm now and the...
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omg it was like 80 today the sun was out wind was blowin. it was beautiful. i'm so sorry your cold <cozy hug> stay warm!!
Holy Shit!!!you mean that winter's not over yet? Why Haven't I gotten a memo on this yet? I know it just came out , but has anyone seen Constantine yet? If so, how was it?
battle royale is a japanese movie where they put this group of kids on an island and if they don't kill each other in a certain amount of time, the things around their necks explode and they all die anyway. it's fuct, i want to see it SOOOO badly.

my friend joe went from portland to biddeford at probably the same time as you today and he got rear-ended... i wonder if you passed him. that'd be so funny. it's so weird cause when i read your comment, i had to double check that it was from you and not him, he said almost the same exact thing to me on the phone (the thing about it taking so long to go 17 miles) WEIRD.
I've seen battle royal it's soooo funny

**SmAK** gottcha in the back of the head when you weren't lookin
bring it rawr!

[Edited on Feb 19, 2005 12:21AM]
It was a good day altogether. No complaints really. I haven't heard from my friend JupiterSunrise. I hope she's doin' alright. Dudrey's feelin' a little fiesty today. Maybe she just wants to shake things up and break out of the norm for today. Or, maybe she's just pissed. In which case I'll let her have her space. The weekends almost here. I still gotta call...
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by the way, i am doing GREAT! i had a great day today. hung out with some friends on the gorham campus tonight and we had a blast.

have you ever seen Battle Royale? someone told me about it tonight, and it sounds so amazingly good. i can't find it on amazon... grrr
how are YOU doing
skull Black Monday passed me by. It's one of the only days that really sucks when you're single. Especially for a romantic guy like me that likes giving flowers and other little gifts to the lady in my life (position is still vacant). It all seems to add up by the end of the day. After seeing all of the flowers & gifts being delivered. Flowers...
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damn straight!
yeah, everything does remind me of him and it's really starting to piss me off. we were together for two weeks and it makes me feel pathetic to get all nostalgic over something that JUST happened. writing a letter is a good idea. but i won't destroy it. i don't destroy things, i keep them. i will glue it into my real journal, which i've neglected to write in since the break-up. i'm avoiding the emotions i think. i'm good at that.
you are awesome at this advice stuff. thanks for the email, i'll get back to it later, i'm sorta boggled right now for a little while.
you rock smile
Had a hell of a great time driving back from Manchester, NH tonight. A lot of fools out there that have no fuckin reason being on the road except to be in or cause a major accident. Seriously people, doing 75 mph in a front wheel drive in a GEO Metro only sends 1 signal. "I want to die & maybe take some innocent lives...
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wink Just to set the record straight on something in the first journal entry. I don't have a problem with petite women. Someone like "FLUX" for example is damn beautiful. At the other end of the spectrum is Dana Owens aka Queen Latifah. Drop Dead Gorgeous! I guess my problem is with society and the press. The press & the government are bed fellows. They always...
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wow. thank you so much for that comment. soooo soooo much. i'm still not over the whole scenario. if i were, i wouldn't have told the story, i suppose. the filing card metaphor is perfect, that's exactly what i was going to do. any more strange stuff pops up and... well, i'll take note. haha

"I haven't read any newspapers or watched any nightly news since 9/11. My heart turned black that day." I am the same exact way... i can't handle the news anymore. i am happier without knowing all of the world's brutality, which is improperly announced anyway. i still have never watched Bush on tv for more than 5 words of him speaking before i either changed the channel, shut the tv off, or left the room. i refuse. he is not my president.

where in maine are you from? let's be friends! biggrin
hahahahaha it's ok for ranting, everyone does that here!
my friend Joe lives in Biddeford, he's actually on here too as DecayingYouth. he's awesome and thinks the way you do about certain topics. must be something about that Biddeford water tongue

[Edited on Feb 09, 2005 8:16AM]
Only had about 4 1/2 hours sleep over the past 2 days. Went to first job, but not the second. I'm gonna take the day off and rest. Still new here and learning the system. It won't take long to pick it up. Quinne really captured my attention. Don't know her, but can't get her eyes out of my mind. I read in her journal...
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