Well, once again the Weather Man was slightly off with his prediction. That is ofcourse why he/she gets to keep their job. Because it's a weather "prediction" and not weather fact. We were forcasted tp receive somewhere between 1-3 inches of snow. When I arrived home at 10 am Monday morning. There was 4 almost 5 inches on the ground with still more to come (can here Dudrey giggling already, and if she ever sends me e-mail addy I'll supply her with a few snow pics to remember)..= Luckily, I don't have to go to my other job today. So, maybe after lunch. I'll go outside and make a few snow devils out in the yard.

I don't know...! I think Don Cheadle is more worthy of winning the Oscar, but I think that because Hotel Rwanda wasn't as popular as Ray, Jamie will win the Oscar. But....these award shows always do end up surprising everyone.