OK so apart from self-diagnosing myself as being depressed and diabetic and asthmatic, it looks like 2009 is going to be quite the year! Is it because it's the year of "me" the Ox? That would be sweet to be an Ox... mm, power.. So anyways to deal with these issues I have decided to up my dosage of herb and smoke it more profusely while gorging out on New York Super Fudge Chunk. The reason the year is looking even more great is that I just finished my next shoot, i loved playing with all that water.... Me and my photographer girl had a fun time shooting it... I keep finding more and more cool Canadian suicide girls and they are so hot! I missed out on some girls here in the city meeting for drinks last friday.... I had forgotten due to not writing it down, andI just stayed home with my dog, watching The Great Adventure, a 1940's oLLddd movie. I like old movies, and I also like Nutella in the bedroom. That's just life, man.
Your Kindness and Beauty is a Pleasure to Look at. I can Not Get those Gorgeous Eyes out of my Mind. Gorgeous... Gorgeous... Simply Gorgeous.