I went to the Love Guru matinee today, since it was my day off.
Reviews all said it sucked... but I still wanted to see what ol' Mike has up his sleeve this time around.
(I wondered if I would be as amused as I was when he pelvically thrusted his way into my heart as Austin Danger Powers... Haaaahahahaha)
Anyway I looooved the Love Guru. I totally didn't understand the previews, so I was pretty much not expecting much. But it was like every three seconds was another joke, and I appreciated the silliness and cheesiness. The first scene had me laughing instantly lool...
Best of all? SO many Canadian references!!!***X*X*X*X*X*X My favourite part was Jessica Alba screaming "Kiss my Canadian ass!!" I was like, that is SO sweeeeeet!! REPREZZZENT And Justin Timberlake as a Quebecois, and he did a not bad impression!
I wish I could watch it again but i already heard all the jokes.
Ahhhhhh. Then the rest of the day was spent smoking joints in a car, in my friend's house, and in the bushes of some waterfalls in the park. I saw the remains of what must've been an ancient condom, left to endure the harsh outdoor elements, clinging to some nearby rocks. (Come on, it was almost like a toothpick it was so old! So don't be grossed out.) But it actually made me wanna have some rocky waterfall sex, that would be sweet... Of course in my fantasyland of no risks there would be no condom and I would just get to drink every last drop of cum while the water rushes past...
You may notice I'm a little frisky today. I kept casually rubbing my breasts in public because my shirt feels silky over these lady lumps... Meow!
Anyways next week is Canada Day, I'm gonna take the next day off and get wild!!
God save the Queen!
Reviews all said it sucked... but I still wanted to see what ol' Mike has up his sleeve this time around.
(I wondered if I would be as amused as I was when he pelvically thrusted his way into my heart as Austin Danger Powers... Haaaahahahaha)
Anyway I looooved the Love Guru. I totally didn't understand the previews, so I was pretty much not expecting much. But it was like every three seconds was another joke, and I appreciated the silliness and cheesiness. The first scene had me laughing instantly lool...
Best of all? SO many Canadian references!!!***X*X*X*X*X*X My favourite part was Jessica Alba screaming "Kiss my Canadian ass!!" I was like, that is SO sweeeeeet!! REPREZZZENT And Justin Timberlake as a Quebecois, and he did a not bad impression!
I wish I could watch it again but i already heard all the jokes.

Ahhhhhh. Then the rest of the day was spent smoking joints in a car, in my friend's house, and in the bushes of some waterfalls in the park. I saw the remains of what must've been an ancient condom, left to endure the harsh outdoor elements, clinging to some nearby rocks. (Come on, it was almost like a toothpick it was so old! So don't be grossed out.) But it actually made me wanna have some rocky waterfall sex, that would be sweet... Of course in my fantasyland of no risks there would be no condom and I would just get to drink every last drop of cum while the water rushes past...
You may notice I'm a little frisky today. I kept casually rubbing my breasts in public because my shirt feels silky over these lady lumps... Meow!
Anyways next week is Canada Day, I'm gonna take the next day off and get wild!!

JT was hillarious.
As far as the waterfall paragraph... I blacked out and busted open my head now and I am totally covered in blood and it is all because your fantasy was way too hot....