As a point of interest, it takes exactly four days without sleep for me to lose complete control over whether I act like a utter asshole or not. I must extend Official Apologies to the following; The Red Menace, Fried Burger, and Rock Jawed Todd. I love you all and Im sorry. Jesus Ive got a mouth like chainsaw sometimes.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jun 13, 2006
I find modern definitions of grammar as limiting of my natural inclin… -
Wednesday May 31, 2006
Man oh man. It sounded good at first but it got ugly fast. Note to se… -
Wednesday May 17, 2006
Apparently I get these verbal attacks mainly on Wednesday. A passi… -
Wednesday May 10, 2006
A Mental Exercise To begin imagine the absence of everything as some… -
Wednesday Apr 12, 2006
The price of every beginning is an end. The price of living is dying.… -
Wednesday Mar 01, 2006
Its so odd tooling around this site. I read the articles and look at … -
Sunday Feb 12, 2006
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Wednesday Feb 08, 2006
Tonight naughtiness will ensue. My next post will include sordid deta… -
Tuesday Feb 07, 2006
OK Im weird. Im listening to a mix with Mr. Bungle and Dean Martin wh… -
Monday Feb 06, 2006
How does Superman cut his hair? I'm mean, hes totally invincible. Whe…