I wouldn't say my time in the military put my life on hold, if anything I learned more in the four years I was in than most kids coming outta high school learn for the next eight years. Oh, it wasn't all for education, most of it was life lessons. How to buy a car, the fact that bills are plentiful and need to be...
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So yeah, got the full panoply of whats fucked in my head today. Well, what I’ve let them find out anyway. Lets chalk up anxiety, disthymic disorder, and avoidant personality disorder to the list. Coming soon, if I talk to a civilian shrink, will no doubt be minor aspergers or sociopathy.


I just about skipped out on going to my buddies for Thanksgiving. Depression had me by the balls since I woke up that morning, didn’t want to leave bed, didn’t think I deserved to go to someones house being the way I am.

But, I managed to contain my mental bullshit and go to my buddies house, his kid thinks I’m pretty cool for some...
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