I have no idea how college works beyond pick classes, go to classes. I'm getting out this coming January, so I'm starting to look into getting an education in...something. Law enforcement or author, narrowed it down to the two.
I have so many questions about college to, like, where do I live? Do I have to live in the dorms or can I rent a place? How the hell am I going to relate to classmates that are just out of high school and aren't horrible on the inside like me?
That last one might be a bit excessive, I mean, why the hell should I try and relate to people after all these years of not doing it? Kidding, kinda.
I have vague memories of college when my mom used to drop me off at the daycare at hers, but nothing useful. I plan on talking to someone in the education office, those fuckers should know something about it, right?