I love the internet, it lets me be truly free. By that I mean I don't have to worry about what I do on here catching up with me. While most people would use that to incite rage, troll, I find it lets me get my point across better than I could with my stuttering voice. Hell, words don't come out of my mouth right, sometimes my tongue doesn't want to cooperate and I look like an idiot when I try to speak for a long while.
You never know who I could be, maybe some of you read these and think I'm a dude living out of a basement he rents, waxing poetic as he attends a community college. I could be a neckbeard, heavy as a young hippo, ungroomed, and going nowhere with my life. I like to think I come off as a smooth speaking, educated man, but that's not likely. I don't think I put the right tone into my words for that to work.
It'll remain a mystery for a long while, I still don't even know who I am fully. Who truly knows themselves, in this day and age. It seems every day I peel back a layer of my onion to find yet another layer of onion.