The new year means a few things to me, only one of them any good. Another year gone from life, another year gone in this godawful job. I just about hit my halfway mark, will in January. After that it's all downhill, and a day will come I can leave and never look back at this godawful island of Oahu. It's a nice place to live, I'm sure, but not doing what I do.
Yeah, the only good thing is that it's the halfway mark for me. I get to leave soon after to do some bullshit in the desert for a few months, and come right back while other people get on a big boat. Oh, and a bit of extra money to buy meaningless things for myself to, could always use more models and books to turn this room of mine into even more of a copy of Yomiko Readman's.
I hate to sound pessimistic, but I don't want to do anything. I think I'll take leave as soon as I can and just spend a week in my room doing nothing, I did it once before and it was enchanting.