So I finally got out into the real world, out where I made most of my own decisions, and could do what I wanted within reason. Well, I originally thought I'd be mucking about in California, not in Hawaii as I am now. I had plans, had scoped out places to hang out and everything, instead I wound up on an island I can drive around in maybe an hour tops. I also expected to be working with guys like me, who enjoyed books and other nerdy things who decided on my job because it sounded good. The job sounded good to them, no doubt, but their main hobby seems to be playing Destiny and getting drunk. While there's nothing wrong with that, it's not for me.
Another thing is, I expected to get into dating. still a work in progress, and a lot of progress hasn't been made. Could be it's because I have no confidence in myself, or, as my friends put it, am a little 'aspie'. The joke being I have aspbergers, which could be the case, who knows, never been tested.
This job is a lot more bullshit than I thought too, thought it would be less paperwork and more action, it's not. There's a lot of shots involved too, they hurt. I don't mind the shots, well, I do, but I can get past them. What I can't get is why I can't do what I wanted. That's not worth getting into at the moment though.
Just about the only good thing I've noticed so far is the fact I have a steady paycheck, and thus a ready amount of money to blow on my nerdy passions. I've started building a Lizardman army for Warhammer Fantasy Battle, and added to my 40k army, so that's nice.