I’m staying at home while I go to school, or wait to right now. It’s hard to live alone here and be able to pay for everything.
Well, ya know how they say absence makes the heart grow fonder? It’s completely true. It’s like a nest of vampires here, as in when a group of vampires get together to make a nest, they all turn...
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Let it be known that rubber boots and a jumpsuit in 80 degree weather really seals in the flavor. I’m dying in this get up
I moved outta Hawaii a couple months ago to go home to Minnesota. My towns population is smaller than that of my base. There’s some things I miss, but I don’t mind it.
My back and knees don’t like to work like they did before I left, so cutting firewood is fun. I’ve got a bath tub I can soak in now so it helps...
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