On the afternoon of Sunday 18th August 2013, I lost the love of my life, my companion, my source of comfort, my best friend and wonderful pet Lily. She only lived a short 3 years and 10 months, but she has completely changed my life.
Of those of you that knew me back in 2009, I was 17 and in quite a dark place. I found myself in a situation where I was looking for a home, and having to adapt to life on my own. On November 25th 2009, I got given a place of temporary accommodation. It wasnt the nicest looking flat, but I had a home. As pleased as I was, the loneliness with having to deal with things on my own was overpowering. We had some hefty snow that December, and on Christmas Eve I decided to get myself a companion. My dad and Lorna picked her up for me in Wishaw, and brought her to me. Her gorgeous little face appeared amongst her tartan blanket and I instantly fell in love. From that moment we were inseparable and everyone commented on how Id turned into the crazy cat lady. My attachment grew so strong because she came into my life when I needed her the most, and I no longer was alone, I had her.
By August 2010 Lily and I had moved to a better home, I had fallen in love, and I was in University. The fondest memories of which Ill never forget were shared in that home, and I was so happy to have my little girl in my life, and she gave me nothing but unconditional love and support to get me to where I was.
Before I knew it, 2011 rolled around, and then 2012, and they werent without their challenges. A loved one battled with her emotions, close to taking her life. My partners nana passed away. There were relationship difficulties, family worries, money worries, relationship breakdowns, and even more ill health. I did feel knocked down by these, but I always went to Lily for support. I needed her more than she needed me. She saved me, and I wasnt able to save her.
On the days approaching Lilys passing, she became very sluggish, and wasnt her usual energetic self. Her gums were pale, and although she didnt look to be in any pain, something was wrong. Sadly, Lily was diagnosed with FeLV-C, which is a very rare illness that she would have likely picked up from her mother during the first few weeks of her life. It is Feline Leukaemia, which is cancer of her red blood cells. She had the rarest form which caused her to get severe anaemia and usually only occurs in around 1% of cases. The illness lies dormant for around 3 and a half years and around 85% of cats die around about this time. Lily would have had her 4th birthday at the end of September this year. I had to make the decision to end her life, minutes from hearing the news. If it was just the low blood count and anaemia she may have gotten a blood transfusion, but as the cancer had spread to her bone marrow, she was no longer producing red blood cells.
Im absolutely devastated with the loss of Lily, and I know it will take me a long time to deal with the grief. I really appreciate all the support and kind words everyone has shared so far. I do appreciate it. It is all a bit to take in as it happened so fast, so it will take me some time to adjust. To help myself, and to have a chance to properly remember and say goodbye to my girl, Im having a small memorial afternoon to celebrate her life. I know some people may not understand this, as some people do not share the same connections with animals or their pets, but this would mean a lot to me and I think it would really help. I also want to get a tattoo of her in her memory.
I have created a GoFundMe page for any financial support, little or small, in order to cover the vet bills, getting her ashes, the memorial and if any left over, to cover the cost of my Lily tattoo. If you would like to donate, I would be so grateful, but even if you have taken the time to read this I appreciate it. - http://www.gofundme.com/Lilylove
Ill tune in as much as I can on the site, although I may be a bit lost for a while.
Love you SG-
Awesome set Finella.