We've had plenty of sunshine here in Scotty Land.

But in Scotland, it never lasts, and soon it became cloudy, and it rained, a lot.

I had a bit of a dental disaster. Brace yourselves, I look HILARIOUS.
I've been getting dental work on this one damn tooth for about 7 months now. It started off where I crunched down on a bit of glass that was in my cereal, and I left the chip for a year, until I got major toothache and got dental work off this horrible dentist, who managed to snap the top of a needle up at the root of my tooth. I then switched dentists (funnily enough, to that horrible dentists ex-husband) who had to work on my tooth for months to figure out what the hell to do with it. The other week my face swelled up and I looked like a bloody chipmunk, and I was advised the infection had spread so I have to now lose that tooth. After all that time and pain, it's soon going to be over (and I lose a bloody tooth). On the plus side, my bill was going to be around 150 but now it's been cut down to like, 15 - so i'm gonna treat myself on payday.
In other news, i'm no longer blonde.
I've went ginger, and I love it. I was so sick of my hair not growing having to bleach it all the time, so i've went a natural shade and i'm going to let my hair grow. It's nice to have a bit of colour on my face for a change, as the blode sorta drained me out, when i'm already very pale! What do you guys think?
I've not much else to report to be honest. Just working hard!
I hope everyone is doing well.
Your hair looks lovely, and your eyes look incredible among the gingeriness!