Hey guys, how are you all? oh yeah, I PASSED MY EXAMS!!
Ive been stressed the fuck out. Trying to battle with SAAS in order to make sure I have enough money to live on, as well as trying to find a part-time job. I dont get the whole lets base it on your parents income unless you are over 25 bullshit, just to save them money. I mean for fuck sake, how many people are out the house, married, kids, mortgage, whatever, before the age of 25? LOTS OF PEOPLE! Ive not lived with parents since I was 16, and thats been a hefty struggle for me, considering Ive kept up my education, meaning I cant really work full time to support myself. I need SAAS to cover enough of my living costs, by that I mean mostly rent and bills, and I can get a part-time job to make sure I can support myself with everything else. But, they wont allow me to apply without my parents P60. I dont see how I should have to suffer financially because my parents earn really well. I dont get any financial help from them, and I dont expect to, seen as Ive been independent for almost three years. Im terrified with what they are going to offer me, cause as it stands, I can barely afford to live. It costs me bloody 14 quid to get to uni and back each day, never mind affording rent, bills and food etc.
All I want is to be comfortable. I dont mean I want everything to be all perfect. Im a student, Im supposed to be skint. But im not wanting another tear-filled day due to worrying about fucking finances. The thing is, Im actually not stupid with money.. I just dont have any!! I hope SAAS can give me a slightly fair loan, and then I can HOPEFULLY find myself some part-time bar work. I miss working so much, even if it is just part time. I miss having work to talk/moan about to friends. I like having work to talk about, and go to, and I love the feeling of being paid and knowing I earned it!
But aside from all the stresses, I know its only stressful because I am trying to change things, and change is good right now. I hope it means I will be a bit more stable in the near future. The boy and I have been having the moving in talk and I think its definitely gonna happen soon. He lives with his Nana who is currently unwell, so he is wanting to make sure she is settled back from the hospital and stuff before he moves out. So I reckon March/April time. Itll be amazing, but difficult. Pros that he will always be there when I go to sleep at night, and just the thought of that makes me so happy, the company will be great, oh yeah, and his speakers and decks are awesome
I kid, I obviously dont just want him for his subs!. Cons, Ive lived on my own for a while so I will probably feel slightly invaded for a bit, and of course there will be silly house-related tiffs, but to be fair we have those already)
So yeah, back to uni next week! Been picking my modules, but all the good ones are full so I cant do French until August, which Im gutted about, but it happens. So its Psychology, Sociology and Politics this semester, joy! Ive never done politics before so wish me luck. Im looking forward to going back for the sake of having routine back in my life, but jeez, I HATE trekking through to Stirling all the time.
Not much else is new to be honest, Ive just been getting very high and spending time with friends. As this has been a bit of a dull blog, heres some boobies, no makeup or smilez though..
Ive been stressed the fuck out. Trying to battle with SAAS in order to make sure I have enough money to live on, as well as trying to find a part-time job. I dont get the whole lets base it on your parents income unless you are over 25 bullshit, just to save them money. I mean for fuck sake, how many people are out the house, married, kids, mortgage, whatever, before the age of 25? LOTS OF PEOPLE! Ive not lived with parents since I was 16, and thats been a hefty struggle for me, considering Ive kept up my education, meaning I cant really work full time to support myself. I need SAAS to cover enough of my living costs, by that I mean mostly rent and bills, and I can get a part-time job to make sure I can support myself with everything else. But, they wont allow me to apply without my parents P60. I dont see how I should have to suffer financially because my parents earn really well. I dont get any financial help from them, and I dont expect to, seen as Ive been independent for almost three years. Im terrified with what they are going to offer me, cause as it stands, I can barely afford to live. It costs me bloody 14 quid to get to uni and back each day, never mind affording rent, bills and food etc.
All I want is to be comfortable. I dont mean I want everything to be all perfect. Im a student, Im supposed to be skint. But im not wanting another tear-filled day due to worrying about fucking finances. The thing is, Im actually not stupid with money.. I just dont have any!! I hope SAAS can give me a slightly fair loan, and then I can HOPEFULLY find myself some part-time bar work. I miss working so much, even if it is just part time. I miss having work to talk/moan about to friends. I like having work to talk about, and go to, and I love the feeling of being paid and knowing I earned it!
But aside from all the stresses, I know its only stressful because I am trying to change things, and change is good right now. I hope it means I will be a bit more stable in the near future. The boy and I have been having the moving in talk and I think its definitely gonna happen soon. He lives with his Nana who is currently unwell, so he is wanting to make sure she is settled back from the hospital and stuff before he moves out. So I reckon March/April time. Itll be amazing, but difficult. Pros that he will always be there when I go to sleep at night, and just the thought of that makes me so happy, the company will be great, oh yeah, and his speakers and decks are awesome

So yeah, back to uni next week! Been picking my modules, but all the good ones are full so I cant do French until August, which Im gutted about, but it happens. So its Psychology, Sociology and Politics this semester, joy! Ive never done politics before so wish me luck. Im looking forward to going back for the sake of having routine back in my life, but jeez, I HATE trekking through to Stirling all the time.
Not much else is new to be honest, Ive just been getting very high and spending time with friends. As this has been a bit of a dull blog, heres some boobies, no makeup or smilez though..
Oh yah ~ You look lovely without makeup!