So what have I been upto?
On bonfire night my boyfriend got 500quids worth of fireworks!
They were amazing, however my cat was frightened of all the loud noises and hid behind the sink most of the night.
I got my mum a kitten, say hello to Dylan!!
Had a few banging nights out with LittoRed. This is us in Opium, whilst our mate photographs us from the outside, looking slighty red-light-district-esque.
And this is her playing Sonic the Hedgehog with my little cat, Lily.
Also, all my extensions are out, and i've dyed out the blue. This makes me sad, however i'll be getting new extensions put in when I have pennies.
I seen RUSKO on Monday night!! Was fucking epic. Have a look..
I'm COVERED in bruises 'cause of it, but was totally worth it!!
In other news, my camera is broken. I hopefully will get it fixed soon. I've only afew weeks left of this semester which is also exciting, but stressy, mega studying for exams in the first week of December. I'm off to Aberdeen on Saturday, not looking forward to it too much 'cause i'm so skint, but i'll hopefully have a good time.
Peace out bitchez
On bonfire night my boyfriend got 500quids worth of fireworks!

They were amazing, however my cat was frightened of all the loud noises and hid behind the sink most of the night.

I got my mum a kitten, say hello to Dylan!!

Had a few banging nights out with LittoRed. This is us in Opium, whilst our mate photographs us from the outside, looking slighty red-light-district-esque.

And this is her playing Sonic the Hedgehog with my little cat, Lily.

Also, all my extensions are out, and i've dyed out the blue. This makes me sad, however i'll be getting new extensions put in when I have pennies.
I seen RUSKO on Monday night!! Was fucking epic. Have a look..

I'm COVERED in bruises 'cause of it, but was totally worth it!!

In other news, my camera is broken. I hopefully will get it fixed soon. I've only afew weeks left of this semester which is also exciting, but stressy, mega studying for exams in the first week of December. I'm off to Aberdeen on Saturday, not looking forward to it too much 'cause i'm so skint, but i'll hopefully have a good time.
Peace out bitchez
That is very red light district, ahem.

That's a hella lot of bang right there! Poor kitty, my three don't seem to give a toss about fireworks