1.My cat

2.My boyfriend, and his happiness at having his bike back
3. Having a fridge, freezer and cooker in my new place and being able to cook again!!
4. Maroon 5's new album "Hands All Over". They do a beautiful cover of Alicia Keys 'If I Aint Got You' on it.
Recently, i've been having a hard time of it, particularly financially, and also a horrible rumour has been spread about me all around my county. It's made me loose a lot of people and it's been really difficult to recover from such sick, infintile behaviour. It's so unfair. Also, my sister has been really ill and it feels like she's been on the waiting list for help FOREVER, and it's killing me inside knowing how unhappy she is in her life.
But yeh, i'm staying strong and trying to look on the upside. That's me got my new place to how I want it, and it's beautiful, i'm at uni (granted, the situation is gonna be shit until February, when I can start the course I really want to do), I've got a great man who loves me. I'm so grateful for what I actually do have, and sometimes it's easy for the shit times to mask the good ones. My chin is officially up.
Another thing that is making me happy, is that me, my sister and my boyfriend are going another trip to Amsterdam in January. It feels soo good to have something to look forward to. These are some pictures from myself and my sisters trip last November.
Amsterdam might be one of the greatest places on earth. The architecture is beautiful, the canals are amazing, the museums, the coffee shop scene, the people on bikes everywhere. It has this quality of tolerance and understanding. Its beautiful too! Even if there wasnt the stoner scene being such a big factor, it is still such a great place to go, the city is stunning and it is so easy to get lost in. You think you know where you are but you dont half the time. They take a different approach to vices and to what people are interested in. Amsterdam is a playground for adults.
I wanna leave this world with a life lived, with stories to tell. People are reluctant to seize every opportunity in fear of things not working out, but I think thats an essential part of life. The consequences of our life decisions both good and bad, I feel thats what shapes us as people. I want to travel the world, meet interesting, different people in order to learn from them, and adapt as a person. I feel different cultures really enrich your life. There are so many incredible sights and experiences and people Ive yet to encounter. Im 18 years old so Im hoping Ive still got a lot of years left. I absolutely fucking love Scotland, but I wanna spend a few years elsewhere at some point. I want to study hard so I feel Ive gained something.
Life is interesting.
What do you want out of life?
Your sister is beautiful, I thought that when I saw the photo. That top photo of your cat is awww, so cute!
I want from life a house, for charity to be a big part of my life - either through a career in it or from being a rich artist and being able to donate and do stuff by being rich and famous
Would love to see Amsterdam myself one day - it's not too far away, I'm sure I could get over my aversion to flying for that trip.
From reading your blog I hope everything works out for you and your sis. You have the right attitude though - keep looking up!