Why has my life turned into one big mind fuck?
Actually the new bike hasn't come in yet. That was a borrowed one. Better to trash someone else's, right? wink
thanks for the support on my set love

means a lot xx
Yesterdays blog is now null and void, might keep it to remind me what an arse I can be.
Are you going? If you're there, make sure you come and say hi. I'm so excited, I keep telling people, even if I don't know them, or it's a totally inappropriate situation.

Me: That'll be $12.95 please
Customer: I'll pay with a credit card
Me: Great. Also, my band is opening for Fleetwood Mac in New Plymouth.
Customer: Um...

Well that didnt last long (referring to the previous blog), but should I really be expected to sit there while I'm being played off against at least one other guy? She said the moment it became serious then it would stop with the other guy but now I have a trust issue, how do I know that things are over, is she out with her...
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What a difference a week makes! Not sure where things will go but there is what I would consider to be a seriously cute 19 year old female interested in me. No one more shocked than I. She is by far the best thing that has come along in a very long time and seems to tick all the boxes in my lack of a...
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School finishes next week because of our end of year show! They drag that shit out!! frown

Congrats on the Wishlist item wink I hope it works out for you!
Had a few extra days off on top of the long weekend, went "home" to catch up with a few friends, had a bit of a Back To The Future feeling to it, Hello McFly! still I had some fun, went to the local Pistol club and released some city frustrations on targets, the 9mm and .45's were cool but the pump action shotgun was...
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Thanks so much! smile
Nothing ever happens in that group, its need some sort of wake me up ! And thank you smile
Well what to say? Not much been happening round here, my delightful car seems to have had a knack of keeping me broke for the past two months. Work is pretty quiet or maybe I'm just good at making it seem that way. Officially its spring time here so mixed weather, fine one minute raining the next and windy. We get a north westerly wind...
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I am joining a roller derby league and i am so excited! I am glad it is catching on!
Now I dont to seem like I'm complaining but how long can this weather last? It seems that we have had nothing but wind, rain and hail for the past three weeks, it just never ends. Took Friday off work and travelled up to Auckland leaving home at 4am to make the most of the clear roads, weather was cold and with the two main...
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Thanks for the ideas. I like the idea of using old fishing nets. I'll have to wander down to the harbour and see if I can sneak one away while the sailors aren't looking.
I think I have a vitamin B12 deficiency or something because for the past 2-3 weeks I've been finding it really hard to get excited and motivated about anything. Still I have managed one highlight for the week and that was Roller Derby, Wellingtons Richter City Derby League had their first bout on the weekend, very cool if a bit hard to follow at times...
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hmmm me too for sure! hate dishes.
Well it's finally here, the end of my week off and I can tell you it was soooo good not having to deal with the usual crap at work, I don't even mind that I wasted 4 days of leave to do nothing...

A friend of mine is heading off to Bali for 2 weeks and the whole situation over there is sounding pretty tense...
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Thats exactly what I was thinking! Dodgy little man! I actually can't stand him but I guess I have to be nice now whatever

Hope you are well smile
i wish Mojo did do that! although it would be cold a horrible by the time anyone actually got it
To be fair the week leading up to the weekend was my final week of uni to which I had about 5 hours sleep in three days. I'll blame that wink The moving truck is supposed to get here on the 17th December, I fly out on the 18th.

Beautiful photos btw ! I love summer too smile
Yeah I think it will be great there in Summer. I'm a bit pissed at the BDO lineup though. So not going to that.

I totally agree I'm pretty over Courtney Place! I'll be spending Xmas in Auckland but I think I'll drive up to Whangarei just before that to go see everyone smile What are your plans?

Yep I went and spent money blackeyed I'll start saving tomorrow wink
Wow it is so pretty there. Didnt know it snowed in NZ

Higgs said:
Wow it is so pretty there. Didnt know it snowed in NZ

The South Island and mountain ranges get regular snow fall, the photos are of an extreme weather event where snow fall was recorded in almost every part of the country.