Not posting anything at all and seeing the last blog title, I still feel I want to scream and punch a wall.

But luckily it's taken more of a week to 10 days for normality to push me to my limit instead of the 3 hours from a month ago, which is good I suppose.

Looks like the I haven't got time to deal with...
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My body has now informed me this was a bad idea and should stop as everything aches.

Gotta start somewhere (Y)

Know that feeling :,) Don't push too hard and keep consistent, best advice I can give x
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it, i think i pushed myself a little too much so I'm going to reduce the amount of sets I do for weights and keep my cardio stuff the same as I've not been able to move my arms well and I look like a right moron trying to take my hoodie off at the moment! 

1. Holy fucking shit everything is so much clearer now I have glasses

2. Wow my balance whilst wearing glasses is fucking atrocious

3. Imma stay sat down so I don't walk into people/objects