10. i got completely soaked on my way to work today. it was absolutely pouring, and despite the fact that i had my loverly umbrella with my me pants are seriously soaked up to my thighs, and it's making me cold and grumpy.
i currently have the space heater blowing on my legs in an attempt to dry them.
9. yesterday i went to the grange fair, and it was hilarious yet fun. i was planning on taking a nap, but ended up going out there with some people instead. i fucking love cotton candy. the end.
8. today's wednesday. wednesday is one day closer to saturday
7. i think my phone is being weird. last night it was taking me forever to get text messages--like, it would say it was sent at 1030, but i wouldn't get it until like 11. slightly annoying, but i was tired so i just went to bed.
6. i will be 23 in less than a month. another year has almost come and gone. and i have to say i'm pretty happy with where i am in my life. although i never really do anything for my birthday, it's nice to know i'll be happy with my life and where i am when it comes around.
5. mydogfarted sent me some 10 and 8 gauge cbrs and i got them in the mail yesterday. he is fucking radtastic. now i'm going to go and get my pals to autoclave them and then i'm probably going to try and go to the 10s because the 12s went through a few weeks ago like they were nothing.
4. today is my long day. i usually go out and play darts when i'm done with everything on wednesday night, but today i get the feeling i might just be staying in. i don't care enough about going to the bar if it's pouring outside.
3. random finch fact: since my kittie hoodie needs to be washed, i'm currently wearing my ghostbusters hoodie. i think i need to get an sg hoodie. i like hoodies with zippers, and this one doesn't have one.
2. random finch fact two: i was watching some movie the other day and the character said that guys only get girls flowers when they've either disappointed them or they're going to disappoint them. i think this is stupid. it is my opinion that flowers should never be bought for somebody when they're mad at you. what, do you think that'll just make it go away? and besides, then if you get them flowers just to be nice, they'll associate the flowers with being angry with you. i once had a boy give me flowers when i was pissed off at him, and i think i seroiusly said something like 'are you fucking kidding me?'
1. random finch fact three: i hate being cold, but i love fall. unfortunately fall around here doesn't last nearly long enough and we're usually sprung straight into winter. oh, well.
i hope you're all doing well (and are drier and warmer than i am.)

9. yesterday i went to the grange fair, and it was hilarious yet fun. i was planning on taking a nap, but ended up going out there with some people instead. i fucking love cotton candy. the end.
8. today's wednesday. wednesday is one day closer to saturday

7. i think my phone is being weird. last night it was taking me forever to get text messages--like, it would say it was sent at 1030, but i wouldn't get it until like 11. slightly annoying, but i was tired so i just went to bed.
6. i will be 23 in less than a month. another year has almost come and gone. and i have to say i'm pretty happy with where i am in my life. although i never really do anything for my birthday, it's nice to know i'll be happy with my life and where i am when it comes around.
5. mydogfarted sent me some 10 and 8 gauge cbrs and i got them in the mail yesterday. he is fucking radtastic. now i'm going to go and get my pals to autoclave them and then i'm probably going to try and go to the 10s because the 12s went through a few weeks ago like they were nothing.
4. today is my long day. i usually go out and play darts when i'm done with everything on wednesday night, but today i get the feeling i might just be staying in. i don't care enough about going to the bar if it's pouring outside.
3. random finch fact: since my kittie hoodie needs to be washed, i'm currently wearing my ghostbusters hoodie. i think i need to get an sg hoodie. i like hoodies with zippers, and this one doesn't have one.
2. random finch fact two: i was watching some movie the other day and the character said that guys only get girls flowers when they've either disappointed them or they're going to disappoint them. i think this is stupid. it is my opinion that flowers should never be bought for somebody when they're mad at you. what, do you think that'll just make it go away? and besides, then if you get them flowers just to be nice, they'll associate the flowers with being angry with you. i once had a boy give me flowers when i was pissed off at him, and i think i seroiusly said something like 'are you fucking kidding me?'
1. random finch fact three: i hate being cold, but i love fall. unfortunately fall around here doesn't last nearly long enough and we're usually sprung straight into winter. oh, well.

i hope you're all doing well (and are drier and warmer than i am.)
P.S. I found a hoodie that zips all the way to the top, you can literally zip yourself in if so inclined
-waves hi-