10. today i'm going to get a wrench from my building manager and attempt to retrieve my ring. wish me luck!
9. i'm currently reading "the curious incident of the dog in the night-time." somebody bought it for me in like september because he thought i'd like it. i'm just getting around to reading it now...whoopsie.
8. it's monday. i'm okay with that, tho. i'm hoping this week will go by relatively quickly. i realize it's not excessively likely...but, here's hoping.
7. my roomie will be in today. she was here yesterday for a little bit, but left again. today she'll actually be here for...well, for the year, i guess. it's been so long since i've lived with somebody. it'll be alright, i'm sure.
6. i saw my friend jess yesterday, which was rad. she went to california for the summer and cut off all of her hair and pierced her nose. haha i luff that girl.
5. my room is looking even more like a room now. i got a desk yesterday, and actually started arranging things. i put my bed where i want my bed and i put up some posters (although one of them refuses to hang up straight, and it's frustrating me. i hate crooked posters.)
4. i ran into one of my professors at the bar last night, which was a little bit odd. but, i had a lovely conversation with him about grad school (he's writing one of my recommendation letters) and it turns out he knows a few people at a few different schools and he's going to drop them emails recommending me. getting into grad school, unfortunately, is much more about politics than it should be. so, it's good to have people on my side.
3. some of my friends are putting together a bbq/picnic thing for next sunday afternoon/evening. it should be fun
the weather's gonna start getting colder soon, so we've gotta take advantage of our eat-outside time while we can.
2. somebody just walked through the revolving door backwards. i've never seen that happen before. it made a little squealy sound.
1. i hope you're all well.
9. i'm currently reading "the curious incident of the dog in the night-time." somebody bought it for me in like september because he thought i'd like it. i'm just getting around to reading it now...whoopsie.
8. it's monday. i'm okay with that, tho. i'm hoping this week will go by relatively quickly. i realize it's not excessively likely...but, here's hoping.
7. my roomie will be in today. she was here yesterday for a little bit, but left again. today she'll actually be here for...well, for the year, i guess. it's been so long since i've lived with somebody. it'll be alright, i'm sure.
6. i saw my friend jess yesterday, which was rad. she went to california for the summer and cut off all of her hair and pierced her nose. haha i luff that girl.
5. my room is looking even more like a room now. i got a desk yesterday, and actually started arranging things. i put my bed where i want my bed and i put up some posters (although one of them refuses to hang up straight, and it's frustrating me. i hate crooked posters.)
4. i ran into one of my professors at the bar last night, which was a little bit odd. but, i had a lovely conversation with him about grad school (he's writing one of my recommendation letters) and it turns out he knows a few people at a few different schools and he's going to drop them emails recommending me. getting into grad school, unfortunately, is much more about politics than it should be. so, it's good to have people on my side.
3. some of my friends are putting together a bbq/picnic thing for next sunday afternoon/evening. it should be fun

2. somebody just walked through the revolving door backwards. i've never seen that happen before. it made a little squealy sound.
1. i hope you're all well.

Im kinda flattered that you rememberd me