10. my ears are at 12 now. i could've probably gone straight to 10s, as these went through without any problem at all, but i'm not in toooo much of a hurry
9. this guy who's friends with my piercer is trying to start up a t-shirt shop (he does screen prints, airbrushing, etc etc) and asked him to model for him if it happens. not only was i uber flattered, but it means i'd get free t-shirts, which is rad.
8. i slept on my bed for the first time last night. after sleeping on a floor and sofa for like a week, a bed is super duper nice.
7. today is my long day-- work at the library until 2 and then babysit directly after until at least 8 but usually 9 or 10
however, when i'm done, i get to go and play darts
6. it's been cooling off kindof drastically here. it's in the 70s now and i love it. fall is totally coming.
5. i will be 23 in one month. i liked 22 because it was a multiple of 11, which is my favorite number. i'm gonna hafta wait awhile til i hit one of those again.
4. while my living room and whatnot are set up, my bedroom is still a complete wreck. i should really work on that...perhaps this weekend.
3. song that came on my ipod on my way to work that is now in my head: i don't want to wonder if this is a blunder, i don't want to worry whether we're gonna stay together til we die. i don't wanna jump in unless this music's thumpin', all the dishes rattle in the cupboards when the elephants arrive.
2. i'd like to put my hair up tonight but i'm not sure if i'll be home from babysitting in time. we'll see, i suppose.
1. why are you on my friends list? how did we start talking, or what happened that got you here? (yeah, i've done this before. but not everybody answered

9. this guy who's friends with my piercer is trying to start up a t-shirt shop (he does screen prints, airbrushing, etc etc) and asked him to model for him if it happens. not only was i uber flattered, but it means i'd get free t-shirts, which is rad.
8. i slept on my bed for the first time last night. after sleeping on a floor and sofa for like a week, a bed is super duper nice.
7. today is my long day-- work at the library until 2 and then babysit directly after until at least 8 but usually 9 or 10

6. it's been cooling off kindof drastically here. it's in the 70s now and i love it. fall is totally coming.
5. i will be 23 in one month. i liked 22 because it was a multiple of 11, which is my favorite number. i'm gonna hafta wait awhile til i hit one of those again.
4. while my living room and whatnot are set up, my bedroom is still a complete wreck. i should really work on that...perhaps this weekend.
3. song that came on my ipod on my way to work that is now in my head: i don't want to wonder if this is a blunder, i don't want to worry whether we're gonna stay together til we die. i don't wanna jump in unless this music's thumpin', all the dishes rattle in the cupboards when the elephants arrive.
2. i'd like to put my hair up tonight but i'm not sure if i'll be home from babysitting in time. we'll see, i suppose.
1. why are you on my friends list? how did we start talking, or what happened that got you here? (yeah, i've done this before. but not everybody answered

6 - It's still super fucking hot here. It's currently 86. You win that one.
5 - I didn't know that was your favorite number... mine's 92.
3 - I've had the Footloose song in my head all fucking day and I don't know why. I haven't seen that movie in 5+ years.
1 - I know you're not talking about me cause it would be mean to kick me out.
I soooooo feel you on this. 11 is THE number. I'm 33 this year and it has some rad 11 undertones, and its treating me pretty damn well too.
Rock on girl