10. i got trashed last night. the more i think about it, the less sure i am how it happened. let me break it down for you: i started drinking at about 9:00. stopped a little bit after 12. during that time i had: 2 glasses of water, 1 woodchuck, 2 pineapple juice and vanilla vodka, 1 sam adams. over a 3 hour period.
9. okay, this one's getting two numbers. i mean, i was really drunk- like stumbling home drunk. i felt nearly as drunk as i was at sgprom last year where i had 3 and a half long islands in like 2 hours and was wasted. i even threw up last night, and i've only thrown up a total of 3 times from drinking. rawr! okay, i'm done now.
8. anyway, it's now 7:45 in the morning and i don't feel the best in the world. not horrible, but definitely not great either.
7. does anybody donate plasma? i'm thinking about doing it for awhile to save up some cash. i'm going to dub it my 'finch wants to go on vacation' fund.
6. so, yes. if you didn't get my sortof cryptic journal entry from yesterday, i have a boyfriend. and i'm happy
5. i'm moving next week...hopefully on monday. i don't know the exact date yet tho, which is a bit frustrating. i only think i'm going to be homeless for a day, tho, which i can handle.
4. i still haven't seen charlie and the chocolate factory.
maybe this weekend...i've given up saying i'm definitely going to go because it never happens.
3. blah. i've got nothing else.

9. okay, this one's getting two numbers. i mean, i was really drunk- like stumbling home drunk. i felt nearly as drunk as i was at sgprom last year where i had 3 and a half long islands in like 2 hours and was wasted. i even threw up last night, and i've only thrown up a total of 3 times from drinking. rawr! okay, i'm done now.
8. anyway, it's now 7:45 in the morning and i don't feel the best in the world. not horrible, but definitely not great either.
7. does anybody donate plasma? i'm thinking about doing it for awhile to save up some cash. i'm going to dub it my 'finch wants to go on vacation' fund.
6. so, yes. if you didn't get my sortof cryptic journal entry from yesterday, i have a boyfriend. and i'm happy

5. i'm moving next week...hopefully on monday. i don't know the exact date yet tho, which is a bit frustrating. i only think i'm going to be homeless for a day, tho, which i can handle.
4. i still haven't seen charlie and the chocolate factory.

3. blah. i've got nothing else.

I'd do it...the only thing I'm scared of....donating EGGS!!!!!
Plus, if you think about it, there would be kids running around that are part you which kinda freaks me out!!!