10. it has recently been brought to my attention that people think my journal entries, and me in general, are callous/mean/heartless, whatever. this one's for all of you.
9. i'm not a bad person. if you know me, you should know that. i do not set out to hurt people nor do i take hurting people lightly-- at all.
8. i hate it when i'm being talked about behind my back. if you wanna talk shit on me that's fine, but at least do it to my face.
7. if you want to let people know that you disapprove of me or what i've done that's fine, but at least do it to my face.
6. there are two sides to every story.
5. the majority of the time i am calm and rational. this doesn't mean i am emotionless. this doesn't mean i don't care. that's just how i am.
4. i have never censored my journal. ever. i'm one of those folks who will put their life out on the internet for the whole world to see. it's how i feel about things--take me as i am, or don't bother with me. i don't plan on starting to censor my journal now. if you don't like it, you have a wonderful option--don't read it.
3. lyrics:
9. i'm not a bad person. if you know me, you should know that. i do not set out to hurt people nor do i take hurting people lightly-- at all.
8. i hate it when i'm being talked about behind my back. if you wanna talk shit on me that's fine, but at least do it to my face.
7. if you want to let people know that you disapprove of me or what i've done that's fine, but at least do it to my face.
6. there are two sides to every story.
5. the majority of the time i am calm and rational. this doesn't mean i am emotionless. this doesn't mean i don't care. that's just how i am.
4. i have never censored my journal. ever. i'm one of those folks who will put their life out on the internet for the whole world to see. it's how i feel about things--take me as i am, or don't bother with me. i don't plan on starting to censor my journal now. if you don't like it, you have a wonderful option--don't read it.
3. lyrics:
2. lyrics:
1. this is the last i'm going to say about this. at the end of the day, you have to do what's best for yourself. if you're not, you're doing a disservice to not only yourself, but to those around you.
i know you believe in me, it even feels honest when you say it
also, i'm glad you liked the slf cd... i was thinking the other day "goddamn that finch, she never ever mentioned listening to that cd, pout, pout, pout" and then you write that comment, so rad! i'll make you an old skool punk disc when i manage to pull my head from my ass. i already owe aoife a mix cd and she's getting belligerent.