10. i have a shakespeare final tomorrow that i really ought to be studying for right now. but, i am not.
9. i was supposed to do something on sunday, but it got postponed for awhile. dunno when it's gonna actually happen, but eventually i suppose. (mwahahaha i'm so cryptic!)
8. my uncle sent me a check for 100 dollars as my graduation present. i'm so thankful for that check right now. i didn't realize how tight money was at the moment until like two minutes ago
7. i have no idea how long i get to keep my psu email address after i graduate. i really need to start sending email through my gmail account, but i just haven't done it yet.
6. i start my job next week, thank god. i can not wait to be working again. i can not wait to not have to worry about money so much.
5. too much moving is happening in the next few months, and i'm having to rely on friends with cars in order to do it. i don't like asking people for rides...it makes me feel like i'm using them, even though i know i'm not.
4. i'm hungry. i just ate some pasta, but it's not cutting it.
3. i also can not wait to be cooking. i need to be eating better, and eating on-campus is not working out in the 'food that actually gives you some form of nutrient' category.
2. if you are in the boston area, you really ought to go to the upcoming horror movie slumber party. it is teh rad. i am
that i can't make an appearance for this one. so you all should go, and think about how much you wish i was there
1. i need to pack really badly, yet i hate packing. so i'm postponing it. ugh. procrastination is like masturbation--you're only fucking yourself.
9. i was supposed to do something on sunday, but it got postponed for awhile. dunno when it's gonna actually happen, but eventually i suppose. (mwahahaha i'm so cryptic!)
8. my uncle sent me a check for 100 dollars as my graduation present. i'm so thankful for that check right now. i didn't realize how tight money was at the moment until like two minutes ago

7. i have no idea how long i get to keep my psu email address after i graduate. i really need to start sending email through my gmail account, but i just haven't done it yet.
6. i start my job next week, thank god. i can not wait to be working again. i can not wait to not have to worry about money so much.
5. too much moving is happening in the next few months, and i'm having to rely on friends with cars in order to do it. i don't like asking people for rides...it makes me feel like i'm using them, even though i know i'm not.
4. i'm hungry. i just ate some pasta, but it's not cutting it.
3. i also can not wait to be cooking. i need to be eating better, and eating on-campus is not working out in the 'food that actually gives you some form of nutrient' category.
2. if you are in the boston area, you really ought to go to the upcoming horror movie slumber party. it is teh rad. i am

1. i need to pack really badly, yet i hate packing. so i'm postponing it. ugh. procrastination is like masturbation--you're only fucking yourself.

Anyway. I'm going to try and be at the Horror Party, so you should too.