10. i am on a search for a new make-up look for my eyes. this is what color they are:
any ideas?
9. i need to go shopping. unfortunately i don't really have any money at the moment...so it's going to be, racking up an even larger credit card bill.
8. what's something about me you've always wanted to know?
7. i have recently begun talking to a friend of mine who i fell away from for awhile. talking to him again is really nice, and it's making me happy.
6. constantine sucked today on american idol, just in case any of you care. he sucked bad.
5. my thesis was nominated for a writing award. (just a general thesis award, i assume there's one for creative work and one for research) while i don't think i'll win, it's still really flattering
4. okay...i have nothing more to say at the moment. tooo much to do.

any ideas?
9. i need to go shopping. unfortunately i don't really have any money at the moment...so it's going to be, racking up an even larger credit card bill.

8. what's something about me you've always wanted to know?
7. i have recently begun talking to a friend of mine who i fell away from for awhile. talking to him again is really nice, and it's making me happy.
6. constantine sucked today on american idol, just in case any of you care. he sucked bad.
5. my thesis was nominated for a writing award. (just a general thesis award, i assume there's one for creative work and one for research) while i don't think i'll win, it's still really flattering

4. okay...i have nothing more to say at the moment. tooo much to do.
