10. i totally drunk-dialed gasmaskboy last night. it was slightly amusing, and i think he thinks i'm a bit insane
9. it was not a completely random drunk-dial, tho. i was drinking a drink at a party that he always always always drank when we went out and it made me think of him.
8. i am currently reading 'lady oracle' by margaret atwood for a class. i like it a lot. i think that once i have more free time i'm going to maybe read some more of her stuff.
7. i'm really looking forward to having time to read whatever i want again. being an english major means that pretty much all of my reading time is spent reading class books.
6. i went to a party last night--really low key. probably about 10 people there, just drinking a bit and hanging out. it was a really, really good time, and i'm glad that i went.
5. do you know what i hate? when people are really nice, decent people when they're sober, but whenever they're drunk they're rude, perverted, etc etc etc. even if i like a person like that when they're sober, i have a very hard time getting over their drunken personalities.
4. i have joined a few new groups on sg about being all domestic. i'm really looking forward to living in an apartment
3. i feel like i need a new profile picture. maybe someday.
2. can't decide if i should go to sghersheypark day. i can probably get a ride--soiraile can get the car that weekend. but, if we went it would mean her driving to state college from philly on friday, driving to hershey and back to state college on saturday, and then driving back to philly on sunday. which is a lot of driving, especially with gas as expensive as it is. and i will actually have not gotten my first paycheck from my new job yet, so i'll still be broke. gah. i need to make up my mind, oh...yesterday.
1. i am now going to read my book and snuggle under my covers. it snowed today. state college weather is ridiculous.

9. it was not a completely random drunk-dial, tho. i was drinking a drink at a party that he always always always drank when we went out and it made me think of him.
8. i am currently reading 'lady oracle' by margaret atwood for a class. i like it a lot. i think that once i have more free time i'm going to maybe read some more of her stuff.
7. i'm really looking forward to having time to read whatever i want again. being an english major means that pretty much all of my reading time is spent reading class books.
6. i went to a party last night--really low key. probably about 10 people there, just drinking a bit and hanging out. it was a really, really good time, and i'm glad that i went.
5. do you know what i hate? when people are really nice, decent people when they're sober, but whenever they're drunk they're rude, perverted, etc etc etc. even if i like a person like that when they're sober, i have a very hard time getting over their drunken personalities.
4. i have joined a few new groups on sg about being all domestic. i'm really looking forward to living in an apartment

3. i feel like i need a new profile picture. maybe someday.
2. can't decide if i should go to sghersheypark day. i can probably get a ride--soiraile can get the car that weekend. but, if we went it would mean her driving to state college from philly on friday, driving to hershey and back to state college on saturday, and then driving back to philly on sunday. which is a lot of driving, especially with gas as expensive as it is. and i will actually have not gotten my first paycheck from my new job yet, so i'll still be broke. gah. i need to make up my mind, oh...yesterday.
1. i am now going to read my book and snuggle under my covers. it snowed today. state college weather is ridiculous.

I love your double lip piercings, they are hotness in a box ♥
I don't have any from any of my sets i've shot on my portfolio site, but i'm considering asking Missy if I can.