10. if you have me bookmarked as interesting, i think that you should post in this entry and tell me. because i'm really curious as to whether or not anybody has me bookmarked as interesting
9. i'm home. i think i said that before, but i'm saying it again. my allergies are acting up, and it's all just a big pain in my ass.
8. i am now reading dr. jeckyl and mr. hyde. i think i spelled jeckyl wrong there, but i don't have the book next to me and don't feel like checking. i plan on finishing it sometime this week. that way i will be ahead in my reading for class.
7. i need to work on my thesis this week, too. i really should have all ready started. but, i have not.
6. i miss soiraile because i am a big sap. i will see her on thursday though
5. so, yeah, she's coming here to meet my family on thursday. my mom's being really cute about it. she asked me if she should get any special food for her and asked me if she thought maybe she'd like to dye easter eggs on friday and we could have a mini-easter on sunday. i'm really lucky to have a supportive family.
4. ask me a question. i don't particular care what. i'll answer next time.
3. i got some of the most thoughtful journal responses i think i've ever gotten in my last two entries. thank you guys. you are all incredible.
2. i took some pictures of me and my sister last night, and will upload them to the comp in the next few days. give ya'll an idea of what i'm looking like these days.
for all of you.

9. i'm home. i think i said that before, but i'm saying it again. my allergies are acting up, and it's all just a big pain in my ass.
8. i am now reading dr. jeckyl and mr. hyde. i think i spelled jeckyl wrong there, but i don't have the book next to me and don't feel like checking. i plan on finishing it sometime this week. that way i will be ahead in my reading for class.
7. i need to work on my thesis this week, too. i really should have all ready started. but, i have not.
6. i miss soiraile because i am a big sap. i will see her on thursday though

5. so, yeah, she's coming here to meet my family on thursday. my mom's being really cute about it. she asked me if she should get any special food for her and asked me if she thought maybe she'd like to dye easter eggs on friday and we could have a mini-easter on sunday. i'm really lucky to have a supportive family.
4. ask me a question. i don't particular care what. i'll answer next time.
3. i got some of the most thoughtful journal responses i think i've ever gotten in my last two entries. thank you guys. you are all incredible.

2. i took some pictures of me and my sister last night, and will upload them to the comp in the next few days. give ya'll an idea of what i'm looking like these days.

Awwwww! Thanks!

Ummm....did you ever eat your boogers when you were a kid?